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Specimen data from the Consortium of California Herbaria

Whiting Ranch Wilderness Park Vascular Plant Checklist

Taxa explicitly excluded: Whiting Ranch Wilderness Park - Doubtful or Omitted Taxa
Authors: Contributors: Robert Allen, James Bailey, Rebecca E. Crowe, Emile Fiesler, Kyle Gunther, Fred Roberts, Michael G. Simpson, Ron Vanderhoff
Citation: Simpson M, Crowe R, Vanderhoff R (2024), Whiting Ranch Wilderness Park Vascular Plant List. In: CA Consortium of Herbaria 2. more detail

Families: 92.
Genera: 326.
Species: 518.
Total Taxa: 529.

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NATURALIZED (native to Southeastern United States), iNat Observations. Needs verification; taxonomy and identification confused.
NATURALIZED; (native to southern Africa), CalFlora Observations
Amaranthus albus L. - White Tumbleweed
NATURALIZED (native to central North America), iNat Observations; CalFlora Observations; Ron Vanderhoff 1091 [IRVC]
Amaranthus retroflexus L. - Redroot Pigweed
NATURALIZED (native to central and eastern North America), iNat Observations; CalFlora Observations
Atriplex sp. - saltbush
Note: not determined to species, needs study, iNat Observations
Atriplex suberecta I. Verd. - Peregrine Saltbush
NATURALIZED (native to Australia), iNat Observations; CalFlora Observations
Blitum californicum S. Wats. - California Goosefoot
NATURALIZED (native to Europe)., Note: see Fuentes-Bazan, et al. 2012. Willdenowia 42:5-24; a recent name change from Chenopodium californicum; iNat Observations; CalFlora Observations; Ron Vanderhoff 1234 [IRVC]
Chenopodium album L. - Lamb's Quarters
Salsola sp. - tumbleweed
NATURALIZED Note: not determined to species, iNat Observations
Salsola australis R. Br. - Australian Tumbleweed
NATURALIZED (possibly native to Australia), iNat Observations; CalFlora Observations; Ron Vanderhoff 1132 [IRVC]
Amaryllis belladonna L. - Belladonna-Lily
NON-NATIVE; probable WAIF (native to South Africa), iNat Observations; CalFlora Observations; Ron Vanderhoff 1572 [IRVC]
Schinus molle L. - Peruvian Pepper Tree
Conium maculatum L. - Common Poison Hemlock
NATURALIZED (native to South America), iNat Observations; Ron Vanderhoff 1490 [IRVC]
NATIVE Note: second record for Orange Co. Last recorded in 1927, iNat Observations; CalFlora Observations; Ron Vanderhoff 877 [IRVC]
Scandix pecten-veneris L. - Venus’s Shepherd’s Needle
NATURALIZED; (native to Mediterranean), Calflora Observations; iNat Observations; Ron Vanderhoff 1640 [IRVC]
Torilis arvensis (Huds.) Link - Field Hedge-Parsley, Tall Sock-Destroyer
NATURALIZED (native to central and Southern Europe), iNat Observations; CalFlora Observations
Torilis nodosa (L.) Gaertner - Knot Hedge-Parsley, Short Sock-Destroyer
NATURALIZED (native to Eurasia, especially Mediterranean), iNat Observations; CalFlora Observations; Ron Vanderhoff 1516 [IRVC]
NATIVE, Note: a recent name change from Funastrum cynanchoides var. hartwegii; see Fishbein and Gandhi. 2018. Novon 26:165-167; iNat Observations; CalFlora Observations; Ron Vanderhoff 1105 [IRVC]
NATURALIZED (native locality unclear, possibly southwest Asia), iNat Observations; CalFlora Observations; Ron Vanderhoff 1550 [IRVC]
Vinca major L. - Greater Periwinkle
NATURALIZED (native to tropical Eastern Asia), Note: treated by some references as C. esculenta var fontanesii. We follow Kew Plants of the World; see also R. Gogoi and S. Borah. 2013. Gardens’ Bulletin Singapore 65(1): 27–37; iNat Observations; CalFlora Observations; Ron Vanderhoff 659 [IRVC], Ron Vanderhoff 1123 [IRVC]
NATURALIZED (native to Baja California, Sonora, Mexico), iNat Observations; CalFlora Observations; Ron Vanderhoff 1482 [IRVC]
NATURALIZED, Note: some authors suggest these plants as hybrids (see Hodel et al. 2014. Phytoneuron 68: (1-7)), while others consider these one continuous species with infrataxa (see Villanueva-Almanza et al. Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society 2021), and still others (Jepson eflora) maintain two distinct species; Fred M. Roberts 9337 [IRVC]
WAIF (native to the Cape Provence, South Africa), iNat Observations
Asphodelus fistulosus L. - Hollow-Stem Asphodel
NATURALIZED (native to Mexico), iNat Observations
NATIVE Note: not all determined to subsp., but presumed to be consanguinea, iNat Observations
NATIVE, Calflora Observations; iNat Observations; Ron Vanderhoff 1115 [IRVC]
NATURALIZED in the Park, likely from restoration plantings, CalFlora Observations; Ron Vanderhoff 1108 [IRVC]
NATURALIZED in the Park (native to S. San Diego Co., N Baja), iNat Observations; CalFlora Observations; Ron Vanderhoff 1515 [IRVC]
Bidens pilosa L. - Common Beggar’s Tick, Spanish Needles
NATURALIZED (native to South and Central America), iNat Observations; CalFlora Observations; Ron Vanderhoff 1135 [IRVC]
NATURALIZED (native to Mediterranean) Note: not all determined to variety, but only pycnocephalus treated as occurring in CA in the Jepson Manual and in FNA, iNat Observations; CalFlora Observations
NATIVE Note: not all determined to variety, *; Sandy Leatherman 1162 [IRVC]
NATIVE Note: not all determined to variety, *; Sandra J. Leatherman 1160 [IRVC]
NATIVE, Note: treated as a single polymorphic species in the Flora of North America and Jepson eFlora, that concept tentatively accepted here, pending further research. iNat Observations; CalFlora Observations; Ron Vanderhoff 1156 [IRVC], Ron Vanderhoff 1245 [IRVC]
NATURALIZED (native to Southern Europe). Note: not all determined to variety, but likely var. flavescens, iNat Observations; CalFlora Observations; CalFlora Observations; Ron Vanderhoff 1416 [IRVC]
NATURALIZED (native to western Europe, Mediterranean, southwestern Asia), CalFlora Observations; Ron Vanderhoff 1097 [IRVC]
Native to California, but likely NATURALIZED in the Park. Including likely californica x farinosa hybrids, iNat Observations; CalFlora Observations; Ron Vanderhoff 1163 [IRVC]
NATIVE Note: not all determined to variety>, iNat Observations
Erigeron bonariensis L. - Flax-Leaf Fleabane
NATIVE Note: not all determined to variety, but presumed to be foliosus, iNat Observations
Erigeron sumatrensis Retz. - Tropical Horseweed, Asthmaweed
NATURALIZED (native to South America); Fred M. Roberts 9704 [IRVC]
NATIVE Note: not all determined to variety, but presumed to be confertiflorum, iNat Observations
NATURALIZED (native to Arizona, New Mexico; northwestern and central Mexico), iNat Observations; CalFlora Observations; Ron Vanderhoff 1434 [IRVC]
NATIVE Note: not all determined to species; Ron Vanderhoff 1104 [IRVC]
NATIVE Note: not all determined to variety, but presumed to be grindeloides, iNat Observations
Helianthus annuus L. - Western Sunflower
NATIVE Note: both the native and naturalized genotype are present at the park, iNat Observations; CalFlora Observations; Ron Vanderhoff 1548 [IRVC], Ron Vanderhoff 1150 [IRVC]
NATIVE Note: not all determined to subsp., but presumed to be echioides, iNat Observations
Hypochaeris glabra L. - Smooth Cat’s Ear
NATURALIZED (native to Europe), iNat Observations; Michael G. Simpson 4930 [IRVC]
NATIVE Note: not all determined to var., iNat Observations
NATIVE Note: not all to var., but presumed to be tenuifolia, iNat Observations
Matricaria discoidea DC. - Common Pineapple-Weed
NATIVE (stated as native to northwestern North America, northeastern Asia in Jepson eFlora; considered NATURALIZED in some references), iNat Observations; CalFlora Observations; Ron Vanderhoff 1256 [IRVC]
Solidago velutina DC. - Velvety Goldenrod
NATIVE Note: not all determined to subsp., but presumed to be californica, iNat Observations; CalFlora Observations
Stephanomeria exigua - Small Wreath-Plant
Xanthium spinosum - Spiny Cocklebur
NATURALIZED (nativity confused, perhaps South America), iNat Observations
NATIVE Note: not all determined to variety, iNat Observations
Echium candicans L. fil. - Pride of Madeira
NATURALIZED (native to Madeira, Macaronesia), iNat Observations; CalFlora Observations; Ron Vanderhoff 1113 [IRVC]
NATIVE Note: not all determined to subspecies, but ferocula the only subtaxa in CA; Sandra J. Leatherman 1099 [IRVC]
Plagiobothrys canescens Benth. - Valley Popcornflower
NATIVE Note: not all determined to variety., iNat Observations
NATURALIZED (native to Mediterranean, southwestern Asia), iNat Observations; CalFlora Observations; Ron Vanderhoff 1183 [IRVC]
NATIVE Note: not all determined to subspecies, iNat Observations
Diplotaxis muralis (L.) DC. - annual wallrocket
NATURALIZED (native to Europe), iNat Observations
Iberis umbellata L. - globe candytuft
NATURALIZED; (native to Southeastern Europe), iNat Observations; Calflora Observations
Lepidium didymum L. - Lesser Wart-Cress
NATURALIZED (native to South America), iNat Observations; Ron Vanderhoff 1239 [IRVC]
Lepidium lasiocarpum Nutt. - Sand Peppergrass
Lepidium virginicum L. - Virginia Peppercress
NATIVE, Environmental Listing: 4.3 G5T3 S3; Fred M. Roberts 9385 [IRVC]
Mutarda nigra (L.) Bernh. - Black/Wild Mustard
NATURALIZED (native to Europe), Note: a recent name change from Brassica nigra; see Hendriks, K. P., et al. 2023. Current Biology 33:4052-4068.e4056. iNat Observations; CalFlora Observations; Ron Vanderhoff 1230 [IRVC], Sandra J. Leatherman 1107 [IRVC]
Rorippa palustris (L.) Besser - Pacific Yellow-Cress
Sisymbrium irio L. - London Rocket Mustard
Sisymbrium orientale L. - Oriental Hedge Mustard
Native to the region but probably NATURALIZED here from a planting, Note: a recent name change from Cylindropuntia californica var. parkeri; see Baker, M. A. and D. J. Pinkava. 2018. Chromosome numbers in some cacti of western North America — IX. Haseltonia 2018:5-29. iNat Observations; CalFlora Observations
Opuntia sp. - Prickly-Pear
Note: not all determined to species. Hybrids possible, iNat Observations
NATURALIZED (native range unknown, possibly Mexico), iNat Observations; CalFlora Observations
NATIVE Note: not all determined to var., but presumed to be denudata>, iNat Observations
Cerastium glomeratum Thuill. - Mouse-Ear Chickweed
NATURALIZED (native to Europe), iNat Observations; Michael G. Simpson 4942 [IRVC]
NATURALIZED (native to Southern Europe) Note: not all determined to variety, but var. tetraphyllum the only subtaxa in CA, iNat Observations
Silene laciniata Cav. - Southern Pink
NATIVE Note: not all determined to subspecies, but presumed to be ssp. laciniata, *; Sandra J. Leatherman 1166 [IRVC]
NATURALIZED (native to Southern South America); Fred M. Roberts 9387 [IRVC]
Cistus incanus L. - Purple Rock-Rose
NATURALIZED (native to southern Europe) Note: treated by some references as Cistus creticus, iNat Observations; CalFlora Observations; Ron Vanderhoff 1318 [IRVC]
NATURALIZED Note: not determined to variety, but presumed to be scoparium, iNat Observations; CalFlora Observations; Ron Vanderhoff 1325 [IRVC]
NATIVE, Note: the subspecies of Calystegia macrostegia are not recognized in a recent thesis, Namoff, S. M. 2017. Hybridization processes, biogeographic patterns and taxonomic rearrangements within Calystegia (Convolvulaceae). PhD. Claremont Graduate University, Claremont, California, USA, which we follow here. iNat Observations; CalFlora Observations; Ron Vanderhoff 1232 [IRVC]
Cuscuta californica Hook. & Arn. - California/Chaparral Dodder
NATIVE Note: not all determined to variety, iNat Observations; CalFlora Observations
WAIF (probably native to Mexico, Texas); Ron Vanderhoff 1077 [IRVC]
NATURALIZED (native to eastern Africa, sometimes cultivated), CalFlora Observations; Ron Vanderhoff 1079 [IRVC], Fred M. Roberts 9334 [IRVC]
Cyperus odoratus L. - Fragrant Flatsedge
Arctostaphylos glandulosa Eastw. - Eastwood's manzanita
NATIVE Note: not all determined to subspecies, iNat Observations; CalFlora Observations
Euphorbia maculata L. - Spotted Spurge
NATURALIZED (native to Eastern North America), iNat Observations
Euphorbia polycarpa Benth. - Small-Seed Sandmat
NATURALIZED (native to Nevada, Mexico), Note: varieties of this species not accepted in the Jepson eFlora treatment. iNat Observations; CalFlora Observations; Ron Vanderhoff 1258 [IRVC]
Acacia cyclops A. Cunn. ex G. Don - Western Coastal Wattle
NATURALIZED (native to southwestern Australia), iNat Observations; CalFlora Observations; Ron Vanderhoff 1270 [IRVC]
Acacia redolens Maslin - Vanilla Scented Wattle
NATURALIZED (native to southwestern Australia), iNat Observations; CalFlora Observations; Ron Vanderhoff 1198 [IRVC]
Acmispon americanus (Nutt.) Rydb. - American Lotus, Spanish-Clover
NATIVE Note: not all observations determined to variety, but assumed to be americanus, iNat Observations; CalFlora Observations
NATIVE Note: not all determined to subtaxa, iNat Observations; Sandra J. Leatherman 1089 [IRVC]
NATIVE Note: not all determined to variety., CalFlora Observations
NATIVE, Note: recently treated as Ottleya strigosa (Nutt.) D.D.Sokoloff in Plants of the World Online and iNaturalist. iNat Observations; CalFlora Observations; Ron Vanderhoff 1199 [IRVC], Michael G. Simpson 4932 [IRVC]
NATURALIZED (native to southeastern Asia, southwestern Australia) Note: treated by some references as Paraserianthes lophantha, iNat Observations; CalFlora Observations; Ron Vanderhoff 1236 [IRVC]
NATIVE Note: not all determined to variety, iNat Observations
NATIVE Note: not all determined to variety, iNat Observations
Native to CA, but PERSISTING FROM CULTIVATION at site, iNat Observations; CalFlora Observations; Ron Vanderhoff 1414 [IRVC]
NATIVE Note: not all determined to variety, iNat Observations
NATIVE Note: not all determined to subsp., iNat Observations; CalFlora Observations
NATURALIZED (native to Mediterranean, Europe), iNat Observations; CalFlora Observations; Ron Vanderhoff 1324 [IRVC]
WAIF (native to Central and South America) Note: small patch at trailside; Ron Vanderhoff 876 [IRVC]
NATURALIZED (native to Eurasia, Northern Africa), iNat Observations; CalFlora Observations; Michael G. Simpson 4926 [IRVC]
NATIVE Note: not all determined to subsp., but presumed to be ludoviciana, iNat Observations
Vicia sativa L. - Narrow-Leaf Vetch
NATURALIZED (native to Europe) Note: not all determined to subsp., iNat Observations; CalFlora Observations
Quercus agrifolia Née - Coast Live Oak
NATIVE Note: not all determined to variety, iNat Observations; Ron Vanderhoff 1225 [IRVC]
Erodium botrys (Cav.) Bertol. - Long-Beak Filaree/Storksbill
NATURALIZED (native to Southern Europe), iNat Observations; Ron Vanderhoff 1244 [IRVC]
Ribes aureum Pursh - Golden Currant
Native to California, but likely NATURALIZED in the park. Appearing to establish from a planting adjacent to trails, iNat Observations; CalFlora Observations; Ron Vanderhoff 929 [IRVC]
Ribes californicum Hook. & Arn. - California Gooseberry
NATIVE, Calflora Observations; iNat Observations
Ribes malvaceum Sm. - Chaparral Currant
NATIVE, Note: not determined to variety, two of which are in OC. iNat Observations*; Sandra J. Leatherman 1158 [IRVC]
NATIVE Note: not all identified to variety, but presumed to be oculatum, the only subtaxa in California., iNat Observations
NATIVE Note: not all determined to variety, iNat Observations; Ron Vanderhoff 1611 [OBS]
NATIVE Note: not all determined to be variety, but presumed to be hispida based on distribution data, iNat Observations*; Sandra J. Leatherman 1161 [IRVC]
Juglans californica S. Watson - California black walnut
Native to California and part of Orange County, but likely NATURALIZED from plantings in the Park, Environmental Listing: 4.2 S4 G4, iNat Observations; CalFlora Observations; M. Roddy 7 [LOB], Ron Vanderhoff 1478 [IRVC], Ron Vanderhoff 1138 [IRVC]
NATURALIZED (native to Eurasia), iNat Observations
NATURALIZED (native to Europe, n. Africa, and s.w. and c. Asia), iNat Observations; CalFlora Observations; Ron Vanderhoff 1355 [IRVC], Michael G. Simpson 4941 [IRVC]
Native to CA, but PERSISTING FROM CULTIVATION at site; Michael G. Simpson 4936 [IRVC]
Stachys rigida Nutt. ex Benth. - Rigid Hedge-Nettle
NATIVE Note: not all determined to variety, iNat Observations
Calochortus weedii Alph.Wood - Weed's Mariposa Lily
NATURALIZED (native to Europe), iNat Observations; CalFlora Observations
Native to the larger region, but PERSISTING FROM CULTIVATION at site., iNat Observations; CalFlora Observations
NATIVE Note: not all determined to variety, iNat Observations
NATURALIZED (native to Southwestern Asia); Ron Vanderhoff 1631 [IRVC]
NATURALIZED (native to Europe, Asia Minor, Mediterranean), iNat Observations; CalFlora Observations; Ron Vanderhoff 1514 [IRVC]
NATIVE Note: not all determined to subspecies, iNat Observations
Ficus carica L. - Edible Fig
NATURALIZED (native to Southwestern Asia), iNat Observations; CalFlora Observations; Fred M. Roberts 9336 [IRVC]
PERSISTING FROM CULTIVATION (native to Eastern Australia), iNat Observations; CalFlora Observations; Ron Vanderhoff 1504 [IRVC]
PERSISTING FROM CULTIVATION (native to northeastern Australia) Note: treated by some references as Eucalyptus citriodora, iNat Observations; CalFlora Observations; Ron Vanderhoff 1491 [IRVC]
PERSISTING FROM CULTIVATION (native to southeastern Australia), iNat Observations; CalFlora Observations; Ron Vanderhoff 1153 [IRVC]
PERSISTING FROM CULTIVATION (native to southeastern Australia), iNat Observations; CalFlora Observations; Ron Vanderhoff 1152 [IRVC]
PERSISTING FROM CULTIVATION (native to western Australia), CalFlora Observations; Ron Vanderhoff 1508 [IRVC]
NATIVE Note: not all determined to variety, but presumed to be crassifolia, iNat Observations
NATIVE Note: not identified to species, iNat Observations
NATIVE, Calflora Observations; iNat Observations; Ron Vanderhoff 1675 [IRVC], Emile Fiesler 11 [IRVC]
Epilobium canum (Greene) P.H. Raven - California Fuchsia, Hummingbird Trumpet
NATIVE Note: not all determined to subsp., but presumed to be canum, iNat Observations
Oenothera elata Kunth - Tall Evening-Primrose
NATURALIZED (native New Mexico to central United States, central Mexico), iNat Observations; CalFlora Observations; Ron Vanderhoff 1498 [IRVC]
NATIVE Note: needs study. Identification by Alison Colwell. (Detail), iNat Observations; CalFlora Observations
NATIVE Note: not all determined to subspecies, but likely affinis, iNat Observations; Fred M. Roberts 3297 [RSA], Sandra J. Leatherman 1088 [IRVC]
Castilleja subinclusa Greene - longleaf Indian paintbrush
NATIVE Note: Based on expert determination by Mark Egger. This variety is not recognized in the Jepson eFlora but is in FNA., iNat Observations; Michael G. Simpson 4958 [SDSU], Michael G. Simpson 4958 [IRVC]
Cordylanthus rigidus (Benth.) Jeps. - Stiffbranch Bird’s Beak
NATIVE Note: not all determined to subspecies, iNat Observations
Oxalis corniculata L. - yellow wood sorrel
NATURALIZED (native to mediterranean Europe), iNat Observations; CalFlora Observations; Ron Vanderhoff 1411 [IRVC]
Romneya coulteri Harv. - Coulter's Matilija Poppy
Diplacus puniceus Nutt. - Coast Monkey Flower
NATURALIZED (native location uncertain) Note: not determined to species, iNat Observations
NATIVE. Recently treated as a species of the genus Sairocarpus, iNat Observations; CalFlora Observations; Ron Vanderhoff 1670 [IRVC]
Antirrhinum kelloggii Greene - Kellogg's snapdragon
NATIVE Recently treated as Neogaerrhinum strictum, iNat Observations; CalFlora Observations; Ron Vanderhoff 1459 [IRVC]
NATIVE Note: not all determined to subspecies. Recently treated as a species of the genus Sairocarpus, iNat Observations; Ron Vanderhoff 1436 [IRVC]
Callitriche heterophylla Pursh - differentleaf waterstarwort
NATIVE Note: not all determined to variety, but presumed to be heterophylla, iNat Observations
NATIVE Note: not all determined to subspecies, but presumed to be antirrhinoides, *; Sandra J. Leatherman 1167 [IRVC]
PERSISTING FROM CULTIVATION at site. (A complex hybrid involving European and Eastern North American species), iNat Observations; CalFlora Observations; Ron Vanderhoff 1549 [IRVC]
Limonium perezii (Stapf) F.T. Hubb. - Perez’s Marsh-Rosemary
NATURALIZED (native to Canary Islands), iNat Observations
Limonium sinuatum (L.) Mill. - Wavy Leaf Sea-Lavender
NATURALIZED (native to Mediterranean, western Asia), iNat Observations; CalFlora Observations; Ron Vanderhoff 1497 [IRVC]
NATIVE Note: not all determined to variety, iNat Observations
Avena barbata Pott ex Link - Slender Wild Oat
NATURALIZED (native to southern Europe, northern Africa to India), iNat Observations; CalFlora Observations; Ron Vanderhoff 1205 [IRVC]
Avena fatua L. - Insipid Wild Oat
NATIVE, Note: Jepson eflora now references this as Bromus sitchensis var. carinatus, iNat Observations
Bromus madritensis L. - Madrid Brome
NATURALIZED (native to Europe), iNat Observations; Ron Vanderhoff 1678 [IRVC]
NATURALIZED (native to Europe); Fred M. Roberts 3302 [RSA]
NATURALIZED; (native to Eurasia), CalFlora Observations
Ehrharta erecta Lam. - Panic Veldt Grass
NATURALIZED (native to Southern Africa), iNat Observations; Rebecca Crowe 713 [IRVC]
NATURALIZED (native to Europe); Fred M. Roberts 9410 [IRVC]
Festuca myuros L. - Rat-Tail Fescue
NATURALIZED (probably native to Europe), iNat Observations; Ron Vanderhoff 1261 [IRVC]
Hordeum murinum L. - Wall Barley
NATURALIZED (native to Europe, Mediterranean) Note: not all determined to subspecies, iNat Observations; CalFlora Observations; Ron Vanderhoff 1224 [IRVC]
NATURALIZED (native to Mediterranean and Eurasia), iNat Observations
NATURALIZED (native to Africa, western Asia, India) Note: treated by some references as Cenchrus ciliare, iNat Observations; CalFlora Observations; Ron Vanderhoff 1165 [IRVC], Fred M. Roberts 9193 [IRVC]
NATURALIZED (native to Africa) Note: treated by some references as Cenchrus clandestinus, iNat Observations; CalFlora Observations; Ron Vanderhoff 1610 [OBS]
Poa secunda J. Presl - One-Sided Blue Grass
NATURALIZED (native to Europe, northern Africa, western Asia), iNat Observations; CalFlora Observations; Ron Vanderhoff 1423 [IRVC], Ron Vanderhoff 1523 [IRVC]
NATURALIZED (native origin uncertain), Note: not identified to species, but does not appear to be the native S. parviflora, iNat Observations
NATURALIZED (native to Africa), iNat Observations
NATIVE Note: treated by some references as Eriocoma coronata, iNat Observations; CalFlora Observations; Ron Vanderhoff 1334 [IRVC]
NATURALIZED (native to Europe, northern Africa, western Asia), Note: treated as Oloptum miliaceum (L.) Röser & Hamasha in some works, e.g., iNaturalist; iNat Observations; CalFlora Observations; Ron Vanderhoff 1084 [IRVC]
Stipa pulchra Hitchc. - Purple Needle Grass
NATURALIZED (native to southeastern New Mexico, Texas, northern to central Mexico and Argentina), iNat Observations; CalFlora Observations; Ron Vanderhoff 1518 [IRVC]
NATIVE Note: not all determined to subsp., but presumed to be sapphirinum, iNat Observations
Gilia capitata Sims - Ball/Bluehead Gilia
NATIVE Note: not all determined to subsp., iNat Observations
Eriogonum elongatum Benth. - Long-Stem Wild Buckwheat
NATIVE Note: not all determined to variety, but presumed to be elongatum, iNat Observations; Ron Vanderhoff 1547 [IRVC]
Eriogonum fasciculatum Benth. - California Buckwheat
NATIVE Note: not all determined to variety., iNat Observations
Eriogonum gracile Benth. - Slender Buckwheat
NATIVE Note: not all determined to variety, but presumed to be gracile, iNat Observations
NATURALIZED (origins uncertain, obscure) Note: not all determined to subsp., but presumed to be aviculare, iNat Observations
Rumex spinosus L. - devil's thorn
NATURALIZED (native to Mediterranean), Note: Jepson eflora reference this as Emex spinosa, iNat Observations CalFlora Observations; Ron Vanderhoff 1421 [IRVC]
Portulaca oleracea L. - Common Purslane
NATURALIZED (probably native to eastern hemisphere). Note: a 2023 collection was inferior. Needs collection., iNat Observations; CalFlora Observations
Delphinium parryi A. Gray - Parry’s Larkspur
NATIVE Note: not all determined to subspecies, iNat Observations; CalFlora Observations; Ron Vanderhoff 1431 [IRVC]
Delphinium patens Benth. - zigzag larkspur
Ranunculus californicus Benth. - California Buttercup
NATIVE Note: not all determined to variety, but presumed to be californicus, iNat Observations
Ceanothus crassifolius Torr. - Hoaryleaf Ceanothus
NATIVE Note: needs verification to separate from C. tomentosus, iNat Observations; Ron Vanderhoff 1615 [IRVC]
NATIVE Note: not all determined to subsp., iNat Observations
NATIVE Note: not all determined to variety, iNat Observations
Cercocarpus betuloides Nutt. - Birch-Leaf Mountain-Mahogany
NATIVE Note: not all determined to variety, but presumed this var., iNat Observations
NATIVE Note: not all determined to subtaxa, iNat Observations *; Sandra J. Leatherman 1169 [IRVC]
NATIVE Note: not all determined to subsp., but presumed to be angustifolium, iNat Observations
Galium aparine L. - Common Bedstraw, Goose Grass
NATURALIZED (native to Europe, North Africa, Asia. Note: treated by some references as native to N. Amer., including California), iNat Observations; CalFlora Observations; Ron Vanderhoff 1356 [IRVC]
Galium nuttallii A. Gray - San Diego Bedstraw
NATIVE Note: not all determined to subsp., but presumed to be nutallii, the only subsp. known from mainland CA, iNat Observations
PERSISTING FROM CULTIVATION (native to Asia, India, Myanmar or China), iNat Observations; Ron Vanderhoff 1305 [IRVC]
PERSISTING FROM CULTIVATION (native to Barbados, West Indies), iNat Observations
PERSISTING FROM CULTIVATION (native to southeast Asia), iNat Observations; Ron Vanderhoff 1304 [IRVC]
Salix exigua Nutt. - Narrow-Leaf Willow
NATIVE Note: not all determined to variety, but presumed to be hindsiana, iNat Observations
PERSISTING FROM PLANTING (believed to be a circumpolar native, regions of Africa, the Americas, southern Asia and Australasia); Ron Vanderhoff 1251 [IRVC]
Saxifraga californica Greene - California saxifrage
NATIVE, Syn. Micranthes californica.; Fred M. Roberts 9705 [IRVC]
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