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Specimen data from the Consortium of California Herbaria

Ronald W. Caspers Wilderness Park Vascular Plant Checklist

Taxa explicitly excluded: Ronald W. Caspers Wilderness Park - Doubtful or Omitted
Authors: A project of the University of California Irvine Herbarium (IRVC). Contributors: Robert Allen, James Bailey, Rebecca E. Crowe, Emile Fiesler, Kyle Gunther, Fred Roberts, Michael G. Simpson, Ron Vanderhoff
Citation: Simpson M, Crowe R, Vanderhoff R (2022) Ronald W. Caspers Wilderness Park Vascular Plant List. In: CA Consortium of Herbaria 2. Accessed [Date]
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Families: 95.
Genera: 359.
Species: 592.
Total Taxa: 605.

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Probable WAIF in the park, not reproducing (native to Mexico, Arizona, and Texas), iNat Observations; CalFlora Observations; Ron Vanderhoff 751 [IRVC], Ron Vanderhoff 724 [IRVC]
WAIF, from a soil pile (native to southern Africa), iNat Observations; CalFlora Observations; Ron Vanderhoff 567 [IRVC]
Mesembryanthemum nodiflorum L. - Slender-Leaf Iceplant
WAIF, from roadside soil (native to southern Africa), CalFlora Observations; Ron Vanderhoff 958 [IRVC]
NATIVE, Note: Environmental Listing: 1B.2 G1 S1 Included here as distinct from A. haematochiton, with which it is sometimes considered conspecific.; CalFlora Observations; Ron Vanderhoff 833 [IRVC]
Amaranthus albus L. - White Tumbleweed
NATURALIZED (native to central North America), iNat Observations; CalFlora Observations; Michael G. Simpson 4484 [IRVC]
NATURALIZED (native to Europe). Note: See Fuentes-Bazan, et al. 2012; a recent name change from Chenopodium murale, iNat Observations; CalFlora Observations; Ron Vanderhoff 550 [IRVC]
Salsola australis R. Br. - Australian Tumbleweed
Schinus molle L. - Peruvian Pepper Tree
Conium maculatum L. - Common Poison Hemlock
NATURALIZED (native to Europe), iNat Observations;; Ron Vanderhoff 1567 [IRVC]
Lomatium dasycarpum - Woolly-Fruit Lomatium
Scandix pecten-veneris L. - Venus’s Shepherd’s Needle
NATURALIZED (native to Mediterranean), iNat Observations; Kathy Harper s.n. [UCR], Kathy Harper s.n. [SD]
Torilis arvensis (Huds.) Link - Field Hedge-Parsley, Tall Sock-Destroyer
Torilis nodosa (L.) Gaertner - Knot Hedge-Parsley, Short Sock-Destroyer
NATURALIZED (native to Eurasia, especially Mediterranean); Fred M. Roberts 2924 [IRVC]
NATIVE Note: A recent name change from Funastrum cynanchoides var. hartwegii; see Fishbein and Gandhi. 2018. Novon 26:165-167, iNat Observations; CalFlora Observations; Fred M. Roberts Jr. 3222 [IRVC], Michael G. Simpson 4578 [IRVC]
PERSISTING FROM CULTIVATION (native locality unclear, possibly southwest Asia), iNat Observations; CalFlora Observations; Fred M. Roberts 6107 [RSA], Ron Vanderhoff 449 [IRVC]
NATURALIZED (native to Macaronesia, northern Africa), CalFlora Observations; Ron Vanderhoff 762 [IRVC]
Phoenix canariensis H.Wildpret - Canary Island Date Palm
NATURALIZED (native to Canary Islands), CalFlora Observations; Ron Vanderhoff 1068 [IRVC]
Phoenix dactylifera L. - Edible Date Palm
PERSISTING FROM CULTIVATION (native to northern Africa), iNat Observations; CalFlora Observations; Fred M. Roberts 6115 [RSA]
NATURALIZED (native to Baja California, Sonora, Mexico), iNat Observations; CalFlora Observations; Fred M. Roberts 6110 [RSA]
Anthemis cotula L. - Mayweed, Stinkweed, Dog-Fennel
NATURALIZED in the Park. Colony of 30-40 near road and in natural vegetation, could be introduced here., iNat Observations; CalFlora Observations; Ron Vanderhoff 689 [IRVC], Ron Vanderhoff 693 [IRVC]
NATURALIZED in the Park (native to S. San Diego Co., N Baja). A colony spreading along roadside, iNat Observations; CalFlora Observation; Ron Vanderhoff 820 [IRVC]
WAIF (native to Europe), A single plant (removed) with no others located on several attempts. iNat Observation; CalFlora Observations; Robert Lee Allen s.n. [OBS]
Centaurea solstitialis L. - Yellow Star-Thistle
NATURALIZED (native to southern Europe); under aggressive management in the area (native to southern Europe), iNat Observations; CalFlora Observations; Ron Vanderhoff 584 [IRVC]
NATURALIZED (native to Australia), iNat Observations; A.E. Fisher 186 [LOB]
NATURALIZED (native to western Europe, Mediterranean, southwestern Asia), CalFlora Observations; Ron Vanderhoff 1568 [IRVC]
Native to California, but likely NATURALIZED in the Park, iNat Observations; CalFlora Observations; Ron Vanderhoff 502 [IRVC]
Erigeron bonariensis L. - Flax-Leaf Fleabane
NATURALIZED (native to South America), iNat Observations; CalFlora Observations
Erigeron sumatrensis Retz. - Tropical Horseweed, Asthmaweed
NATURALIZED (native to South America); Michael G. Simpson 4695 [IRVC]
NATURALIZED (native to Mediterranean), CalFlora Observations; K.G. Marsh s.n. [IRVC]
Matricaria discoidea DC. - Common Pineapple-Weed
NATIVE (stated as native to northwestern North America, northeastern Asia in Jepson eFlora; considered NATURALIZED in some references), iNat Observations; Michael G. Simpson 4451 [IRVC]
Pluchea odorata (L.) Cass. - Salt Marsh Fleabane
Pluchea odorata var. odorata - Salt Marsh Fleabane
NATIVE, Note: only Pluchea odorata var. odorata treated as occurring in CA in the Jepson Manual and in FNA. iNat Observations; CalFlora Observations; Fred M. Roberts 6114 [RSA], Ron Vanderhoff 650 [IRVC], R. F. Thorne 49637 [SD]
NATURALIZED (native to Eurasia), Note: Treated as Helichrysum luteoalbum in some references. iNat Observations; CalFlora Observations; Ron Vanderhoff 837 [IRVC], Michael G. Simpson 4559 [IRVC]
Senecio vulgaris - Common Groundsel
NATURALIZED (native to Eurasia, n. Africa), CalFlora Observations; Ron Vanderhoff 950 [IRVC]
Solidago velutina DC. - Velvety Goldenrod
NATURALIZED (native to South America); Rebecca E Crowe 640 [IRVC], Michael G. Simpson 4766 [IRVC]
Sonchus asper (L.) Hill - Prickly Sow-Thistle
NATURALIZED (native to Europe), iNat Observations; CalFlora Observations
Stephanomeria exigua - Small Wreath-Plant
Azolla filiculoides Lam. - Pacific Mosquito Fern
NATIVE, Note: Kunkle 145 geo-reference may be somewhat incorrect, but still within park.; Melvin Kunkle 145 [LOB]
PERSISTING FROM CULTIVATION (native Mexico to South America); Ron Vanderhoff 577 [IRVC]
Echium candicans L. fil. - Pride of Madeira
WAIF (native to Madeira, Macaronesia); Three plants at roadside leading to quarry., iNat Observations; CalFlora Observations; Ron Vanderhoff 692 [IRVC]
NATIVE Note: Some iNaturalist observations only to species, but this subspecies is the only one reported in North America; also treated as P. l. var. ferocula., iNat Observations; iNat Observations; CalFlora Observations; Michael G. Simpson 4753 [SDSU], Michael G. Simpson 4786 [SDSU], Fred M. Roberts, Jr. 1205 [UCSB], Fred M. Roberts 1205 [IRVC]
NATIVE Note: Variety not determined, iNat Observations; CalFlora Observations
Probable WAIF (native to Eurasia) Note: a single plant near the entrance kiosk in May 2022 could not be relocated in Feb 2023. Prefers cooler and more Northerly climates., iNat Observations
NATURALIZED (native to Europe), Note: Treated as Rhamphospermum nigrum in iNaturalist, not recognized in the Jepson eFlora. iNat Observations; CalFlora Observations; Michael G. Simpson 4532 [IRVC]
Brassica rapa L. - Wild Turnip
NATURALIZED (native to Europe), iNat Observations
NATURALIZED (native to Mediterranean, southwestern Asia), iNat Observations; CalFlora Observations; Ron Vanderhoff 723 [IRVC]
NATURALIZED (native to Eurasia) Note: first county record., iNat Observations; CalFlora Observations; Ron Vanderhoff 965 [IRVC]
Lepidium didymum L. - Lesser Wart-Cress
NATURALIZED (native to South America), iNat Observations; CalFlora Observations
NATURALIZED in Jepson eFlora; considered NATIVE in other references, iNat Observations; CalFlora Observations; Ron Vanderhoff 953 [IRVC]
Lepidium virginicum L. - Virginia Peppercress
Sisymbrium irio L. - London Rocket Mustard
NATIVE Note: A recent name change from Cylindropuntia californica var. parkeri; see Baker, M. A. and D. J. Pinkava. 2018. Chromosome numbers in some cacti of western North America — IX. Haseltonia 2018:5-29, iNat Observations; CalFlora Observations; Michael G. Simpson 4419 [SDSU], Michael G. Simpson 4419 [IRVC]
Cerastium glomeratum Thuill. - Mouse-Ear Chickweed
NATURALIZED (native to Europe), iNat Observations; CalFlora Observations
NATURALIZED (native to southern Europe), Note: only Polycarpon tetraphyllum var. tetraphyllum treated as occurring in CA in the Jepson Manual and in FNA. iNat Observations; CalFlora Observations
Silene laciniata Cav. - Southern Pink
Spergula arvensis L. - Stickwort, Starwort
NATURALIZED (native to Europe), iNat Observations; CalFlora Observations
NATURALIZED (native to Mediterranean, Asia), iNat Observations; Michael G. Simpson 4785 [IRVC]
NATIVE, Note: Infrataxa for this species need verification, awaiting examinations of specimens. iNat Observations; CalFlora Observations; D. T. Okumura 120 [LOB], W. Pequegnat 102 [LA], Ron Vanderhoff 548 [IRVC]
NATIVE, Note: The subspecies of Calystegia macrostegia are not recognized in a recent thesis, Namoff, S. M. 2017. Hybridization processes, biogeographic patterns and taxonomic rearrangements within Calystegia (Convolvulaceae). PhD. Claremont Graduate University, Claremont, California, USA, which we follow here. iNat Observations; CalFlora Observations; Brummitt, R. K. 19994 [CAS], R. K. Brummitt 19994 [RSA], Mellifera R. Letterman 14 [IRVC], Michael G. Simpson 4582 [IRVC], more...
Convolvulus arvensis L. - Field Bindweed
NATIVE, Environmental Listing: 1B.2 S2 G2; Ron Vanderhoff 588 [IRVC]
Cupressus sempervirens L. - Italian cypress
PERSISTING FROM CULTIVATION (native to Eastern Mediterranean)
NATIVE, Note: Variety not determined.; CalFlora Observations
Equisetum hyemale L. - Western Scouringrush
Euphorbia hypericifolia L. - Graceful Sandmat
NATURALIZED, (native to S. America, s. N. America); CalFlora Observations; Ron Vanderhoff 951 [IRVC]
Euphorbia maculata L. - Spotted Spurge
NATURALIZED (native to eastern United States), iNat Observations; CalFlora Observations; Michael G. Simpson 4483 [IRVC]
Ricinus communis L. - Castor Bean
NATURALIZED (native to Europe). Note: Highly Toxic: seeds fatal when ingested, iNat Observations; CalFlora Observations; Tim Gottwald s.n. [LOB], Elora D. Camacho 21 [OBS]
Acacia cyclops A. Cunn. ex G. Don - Western Coastal Wattle
WAIF (native to southwestern Australia); Note: single plant at roadside leading to quarry., CalFlora Observations; Ron Vanderhoff 691 [IRVC]
Acmispon americanus (Nutt.) Rydb. - American Lotus, Spanish-Clover
NATIVE, Note: Recently treated as Ottleya strigosa (Nutt.) D.D.Sokoloff in Plants of the World Online and iNaturalist. iNat Observations; CalFlora Observations; Fred M. Roberts 3220 [IRVC], Fred M. Roberts 1201 [IRVC]
NATURALIZED (native to southeastern Asia, southwestern Australia). Note: Treated as Paraserianthes lophantha in some works, iNat Observations; CalFlora Observations; Donna Krucki s.n. [UCR], Ron Vanderhoff 579 [IRVC]
NATIVE Note: not determined to variety., iNat Observations
Probable WAIF (native from N. Central Chile to Uruguay), Note: A recently accepted segregate of Caesalpinia gilliesii (Hook.) D.Dietr. iNat Observations; Ron Vanderhoff 585 [IRVC]
NATURALIZED (native to Europe, Northern Africa), iNat Observations; Joan Miller 1 [IRVC], Louis Truong 9 [OBS]
Lotus corniculatus L. - Birdfoot Trefoil
NATURALIZED (native to Eurasia. Note: Some plants Toxic from cyanide-releasing compounds), iNat Observations; CalFlora Observations
Lupinus albifrons Benth. - Silver Bush Lupine
Medicago lupulina L. - Black Medick, Yellow Trefoil
NATURALIZED (native to Eurasia; cultivated as forage), iNat Observations; CalFlora Observations
Parkinsonia aculeata L. - Mexican Palo Verde
PERSISTING FROM CULTIVATION Note: single plant adjacent to maintenance area. Possible waif; origin uncertain. (native to deserts of Arizona, Baja California, South America), CalFlora Observations; Ron Vanderhoff 831 [IRVC]
WAIF (native to Mexico, Guatemala, South America); Fred M. Roberts 2201 [IRVC]
Trifolium repens L. - White Clover
NATURALIZED (native to Eurasia), iNat Observations; CalFlora Observations
Vicia sativa L. - Narrow-Leaf Vetch
NATURALIZED (native to Mediterranean Europe, possibly Eurasia), Note: plants vegetative, not determined to subtaxa, CalFlora Observation
Quercus agrifolia Née - Coast Live Oak
Quercus engelmannii Greene - Engelmann's Oak
NATIVE Note: possibly from planting, vic. of Nature Center., Environmental Listing: 4.2 S3 G3 iNat Observations; CalFlora Observations; Karlin G. Marsh s.n. [IRVC], Elora D. Camacho 22 [OBS], Robert L. Allen s.n. [OBS]
Erodium botrys (Cav.) Bertol. - Long-Beak Filaree/Storksbill
Erodium brachycarpum (Godr.) Thell. - Short-Beak Filaree/Storksbill
NATURALIZED (native to southern Europe); Fred M. Roberts 9127 [IRVC]
PERSISTING FROM CULTIVATION (Hybrid between Pelargonium inquinans and Pelargonium zonale), iNat Observations; CalFlora Observations; Ron Vanderhoff 582 [IRVC]
Ribes californicum Hook. & Arn. - California Gooseberry
Ribes malvaceum Sm. - Chaparral Currant
NATIVE, Note: not identified to variety, two of which are in OC. iNat Observations; CalFlora Observations; Ron Vanderhoff 722 [IRVC], Michael G. Simpson 4715 [IRVC]
Philadelphus lewisii Pursh - Wild Mock Orange
NATIVE to California, but out of range, probable WAIF in the Park, needing verification; Fred Zaebst s.n. [UCR]
Iris germanica L. - German Iris
NATURALIZED (native to NW. Balkan Peninsula), Note: Also treated as Iris x germanica (indicating of hybrid origin), this symbolism optional. iNat Observations; CalFlora Observations; Ron Vanderhoff 823 [IRVC]
NATIVE, Note: Environmental Listing: 1B.2 G3 S2. Locality of Moran 27197 (& Moran 21796, Styrax redivivus) specimen not certain, possibly not in Park; needs verification with recently collected specimen; CalFlora Observations.; Howe, D.F 1555 [SDSU], Ronald Osborn 15 [LOB], Reid Moran 27197 [SD], Darley F. Howe 1555 [SD]
NATURALIZED (native to Europe, n. Africa, and s.w. and c. Asia), iNat Observations; Michael G. Simpson 4678 [IRVC]
Mentha spicata L. - Spearmint
NATURALIZED (native to Europe, naturalized from cultivation); Ron Vanderhoff 843 [IRVC]
Monardella hypoleuca A. Gray - Thickleaf Monardella
PERSISTING FROM CULTIVATION (native to the Chihuahuan desert of Mexico), iNat Observations
NATURALIZED in the Park (native to San Diego Co., N Baja). A small colony at roadside of SR74.; Ron Vanderhoff 941 [IRVC]
PERSISTING FROM CULTIVATION (native to southwest Texas to the Mexican state of San Luis Potosí); Ron Vanderhoff 749 [IRVC]
Salvia spathacea Greene - Hummingbird Sage
PERSISTING FROM CULTIVATION (native to the larger region, but not this park); Ron Vanderhoff 748 [IRVC]
Calochortus weedii Alph.Wood - Weed's Mariposa Lily
NATIVE, Note: Not collected due to small population size of only three individuals. iNat Observations; CalFlora Observation
NATURALIZED (native to Europe, Mediterranean, India), iNat Observations; CalFlora Observations; Michael G. Simpson 4476 [IRVC]
NATURALIZED (native to Southern Europe), CalFlora Observations; Ron Vanderhoff 825 [IRVC]
NATIVE. Note: Varieties of this species not recognized in the Jepson eFlora; R. Campbell s.n. [LOB]
Ficus carica L. - Edible Fig
NATURALIZED (native to southwestern Asia), iNat Observations; CalFlora Observations; Fred M. Roberts 6118 [RSA]
NATURALIZED (native to Europe), Note: Incl. large colony of blue-flowered form, variously named L. caerulea, L. a. var. lilacina, etc., iNat Observations; CalFlora Observations; Kristin Steckley 9631 [LOB], Michael G. Simpson 4413 [IRVC], Ron Vanderhoff 385 [IRVC], Elora D. Camacho 19 [OBS]
PERSISTING FROM CULTIVATION (native to northeastern Australia). Note: A recent transfer from Eucalyptus citriodora., iNat Observations; CalFlora Observations; Ron Vanderhoff 719 [IRVC]
Eucalyptus polyanthemos Schauer - Silver Dollar Gum, Red Box
NATURALIZED (native to southeastern Australia), iNat Observations; CalFlora Observations; Ron Vanderhoff 761 [IRVC]
PERSISTING FROM CULTIVATION (native to southeastern Australia), iNat Observations; CalFlora Observations; Ron Vanderhoff 720 [IRVC]
NATURALIZED (native to western Asia), CalFlora Observations; Ron Vanderhoff 583 [IRVC]
Clarkia unguiculata Lindl. - Elegant Clarkia
NATIVE, Note: A single observation that could be from a seeding or restoration. More details and verification needed. iNat Observations
Epilobium canum (Greene) P.H. Raven - California Fuchsia, Hummingbird Trumpet
NATIVE, Note: This taxon name not used in the Jepson eFlora, but is in Egger. 2008. Phytologia 90:63-82, and Flora of North America. We accept here (Mark Egger, personal communication). iNat Observations; CalFlora Observations; Ron Vanderhoff 557 [IRVC], Michael G. Simpson 4669 [IRVC]
Cordylanthus rigidus (Benth.) Jeps. - Stiffbranch Bird’s Beak
Phytolacca icosandra L. - Tropical Pokeweed
WAIF (native Mexico to South America), Note: A single plant along roadway to quarry; CalFlora Observations; Ron Vanderhoff 527 [IRVC]
PERSISTING FROM CULTIVATION (native to Canary Islands), CalFlora Observations; Ron Vanderhoff 721 [IRVC]
Antirrhinum kelloggii Greene - Kellogg's snapdragon
NATIVE. Note: Not determined to subspecies. Recently treated as a species of the genus Sairocarpus, iNat Observations; Melvin Kunkle 72 [LOB], Ron Vanderhoff 435 [IRVC], Ron Vanderhoff 850 [IRVC], Elora D. Camacho 24 [OBS]
NATIVE [Linaria canadensis (L.) Chaz., in part, misappl.], iNat Observations; CalFlora Observations
Plantago lanceolata L. - English Plantain, Rib-Grass
Plantago major L. - rippleseed plantain
NATURALIZED (native to Europe), CalFlora Observations; Ron Vanderhoff 955 [IRVC]
Veronica persica Poir. - Persian Speedwell
NATURALIZED (native to Asia minor), CalFlora Observations; Ron Vanderhoff 961 [IRVC]
Limonium sinuatum (L.) Mill. - Wavy Leaf Sea-Lavender
NATURALIZED (native to Mediterranean, western Asia), CalFlora Observations; K. O'Reilly 136 [LOB]
NATIVE Note: Treated as Andropogon eremicus in some works, see Wipff & Shaw, Phytoneuron 2018-73: 2 (2018)., iNat Observations; CalFlora Observations
NATURALIZED (native to South America); H. Camp 8 [IRVC]
NATURALIZED (native to Europe), iNat Observations; Michael G. Simpson 4621 [IRVC]
Bromus madritensis L. - Madrid Brome
NATURALIZED (native to Europe), iNat Observations; CalFlora Observations
NATIVE. Note: A recent name change from Bromus carinatus Hook. & Arn. See: Jepson eFlora Treatment, iNat Observations; CalFlora Observations
Cenchrus setaceus (Forssk.) Morrone - African Fountain Grass
NATURALIZED (native to Africa) Note: A recent name change from Pennisetum setaceum, iNat Observations; CalFlora Observations; Ron Vanderhoff 496 [IRVC]
NATIVE, Note: Often treated as Leptochloa fusca subsp. f., but we follow the recent treatment by Snow and Peterson. 2012. Phytoneuron 71:1-2. Variety needs verification.; R.F. Thorne 49632 [OBI], R. F. Thorne 49632 [RSA]
NATIVE, Note: Often treated as Leptochloa fusca subsp. uninervia, but we follow the recent treatment by Snow and Peterson. 2012. Phytoneuron 71:1-2.; CalFlora Observations; Ron Vanderhoff 651 [IRVC]
NATURALIZED (native to Eurasia); R. F. Thorne 49634 [RSA], R.F. Thorne 49634 [SD]
Ehrharta erecta Lam. - Panic Veldt Grass
NATIVE, Environmental Listing: 3.2 G3G4 S3S4; Fred M. Roberts 9131 [IRVC]
Hordeum murinum L. - Wall Barley
NATURALIZED (native to Europe, Mediterranean). Note: 3 varieties listed in the Jepson eFlora, iNat Observations; CalFlora Observations
Koeleria gerardii (Vill.) Shinners - Bristly Koeler’s Grass
NATURALIZED (native to Europe, Mediterranean), Note: First record for Orange County. iNat Observations; CalFlora Observations; Ron Vanderhoff 964 [IRVC], Emile Fiesler 6 [IRVC]
WAIF (native to Africa), Note: Growing on roadside soil pile. CalFlora Observations
Phalaris aquatica L. - Harding Grass
NATURALIZED (native to Mediterranean Europe), CalFlora Observations; Ron Vanderhoff 849 [IRVC]
Schismus barbatus (L.) Thell. - Mediterranean Schismus
NATURALIZED (native to southern Europe, Africa), CalFlora Observations; Ron Vanderhoff 747 [IRVC]
NATURALIZED (native to Europe), CalFlora Observation
Setaria viridis (L.) P. Beauv. - Green Bristle Grass
NATURALIZED (native to Eurasia); Ron Vanderhoff 560 [IRVC]
NATURALIZED (probably native to South America), iNat Observations; CalFlora Observations; Ron Vanderhoff 563 [IRVC]
NATURALIZED (native to Europe, northern Africa, western Asia), Note: Treated as Oloptum miliaceum (L.) Röser & Hamasha in some works, e.g., iNaturalist; iNat Observations; CalFlora Observations; Ron Vanderhoff 515 [IRVC], Ron Vanderhoff 473 [IRVC], Michael G. Simpson 4481 [IRVC]
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