Abstract: This is a checklist of the vascular plants of the Laguna Coast Wilderness Park, Orange County, California. It is linked to the iNaturalist Project Laguna Coast Wilderness Park Plants. A separate checklist of the Bryophytes of this region is the Laguna Coast Wilderness Park Bryophyte Checklist. This checklist, a project of the University of California Irvine Herbarium (IRVC), includes cited documentation from herbarium vouchers, iNaturalist observations, and CalFlora observations.
We list plants as:
NATIVE: thought to occur naturally in the area, not human introduced;
NATURALIZED: not native but successfully reproducing and spreading in native habitats without human intervention;
PERSISTING FROM CULTIVATION: originally planted/cultivated, but no longer maintained; not reproducing or escaping into native habitats;
WAIF: not native to the area, having been (unintentionally) human introduced, escaped from cultivation, or naturally dispersed into a natural habitat, but currently not or sparingly reproducing/spreading past initial generation or establishment. Some potential to become naturalized.
We consider documentation to primarily be vouchered herbarium specimens. These are cited and linked to specimens databased through the CCH2: Consortium of California Herbaria 2. We use the Jepson eFlora as the primary source of our taxonomy, but in some cases use the primary literature from more recent studies.
To date, the following taxa at Laguna Coast Wilderness Park have a listing on the CNPS Inventory of Rare and Endangered Plants of California:
Atriplex coulteri 1B.2 G3 S1S2
Calochortus catalinae 4.2 G3G4 S3S4
Calochortus weedii var. intermedius: 1B.2 G3G4T2 S3
Centromadia parryi var. australis 1B.1 G3T3 S2
Deinandra paniculata: 4.2 G4 S4
Dudleya multicaulis 1B.2 G2 S2
Dudleya stolonifera: 1B.1 FT CT G1 S1
Hordeum intercedens: 3.2 G3G4 S3S4
Juncus acutus subsp. leopoldii 4.2 G5T5 S4
Lycium californicum 4.2 G4 S4
Nama stenocarpa 2B.2 G4G5 S1S2
Pentachaeta aurea subsp. allenii: 1B.1 G4T1 S1
Quercus dumosa 1B.1 G3 S3
Suaeda californica 1B.1 FE G1 S1
Please contact Michael Simpson, Rebecca Crowe, or Ron Vanderhoff for more information on this Checklist and iNaturalist Project.