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Collection Profile for: RENO - University of Nevada, Reno Herbarium (RENO-V)


Collection Statistics

  • 119,445 specimen records
  • 118,547 (99%) georeferenced
  • 44,109 (37%) with images (44,327 total images)
  • 117,075 (98%) identified to species
  • 229 families
  • 1,761 genera
  • 7,751 species
  • 10,478 total taxa (including subsp. and var.)

Extra Statistics

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Collection Type: Preserved Specimens
Management: Data snapshot of local collection database
Last Update: 1 July 2024
Digital Metadata:EML File
Taxon Distribution
Taxon Distribution
  • Achyronychia (4)
  • Alsine (1)
  • Arenaria (19)
  • Atocion (1)
  • Cardionema (3)
  • Cerastium (91)
  • Dianthus (1)
  • Drymaria (1)
  • Eremogone (455)
  • Gypsophila (9)
  • Herniaria (4)
  • Holosteum (1)
  • Honckenya (1)
  • Loeflingia (9)
  • Minuartia (134)
  • Moehringia (10)
  • Moenchia (1)
  • Paronychia (18)
  • Petrorhagia (10)
  • Polycarpon (7)
  • Pseudostellaria (78)
  • Sagina (41)
  • Saponaria (14)
  • Scleranthus (3)
  • Scopulophila (19)
  • Silene (360)
  • Spergula (7)
  • Spergularia (47)
  • Stellaria (164)
  • Vaccaria (9)
  • Velezia (1)
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