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Collection Profile for: JOTR - Joshua Tree National Park (JOTR)

The JOTR herbarium contains vascular plant, lichen, and bryophyte specimens from the area within the National Park boundary. The focus of this herbarium is to provide a synoptic collection representing a minimum of 90% of species known to occur in the Park. The collection is mainly used for resource management and educational purposes, however, researchers are encouraged to utilize the specimens as well.


Collection Statistics

  • 5,098 specimen records
  • 4,999 (98%) georeferenced
  • 5,034 (99%) identified to species
  • 95 families
  • 336 genera
  • 541 species
  • 808 total taxa (including subsp. and var.)

Extra Statistics

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Collection Type: Preserved Specimens
Management: Data snapshot of local collection database
Last Update: 28 May 2019
Digital Metadata:EML File
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