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Collection Profile for: MACF - MacFadden Herbarium, California State University Fullerton (MACF)

Bionomia dataset badge

MacFadden Herbarium is operated by the Department of Biological Science at Cal State Fullerton and houses over 30, 000 vascular plant specimens. The herbarium is named for botanist Fay A. MacFadden, who sold her extensive collection of plants to the university just prior to her death in 1964. The collection is used as research and teaching tools by our faculty, staff, students, and other researchers.



GBIF Dataset page: http://www.gbif.org/dataset/3b64407b-12fd-406e-a996-4a87994fcfc9


MacFadden Herbarium, Department of Biological Science, California State University Fullerton
P.O. Box 6850
Fullerton, CA   92834-6850
(714) 278-3614

Collection Statistics

  • 9,493 specimen records
  • 3,732 (39%) georeferenced
  • 8,896 (94%) with images (8,898 total images)
  • 9,236 (97%) identified to species
  • 128 families
  • 724 genera
  • 2,635 species
  • 3,161 total taxa (including subsp. and var.)

Extra Statistics

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Collection Type: Preserved Specimens
Management: Live Data managed directly within data portal
Last Update: 7 November 2023
Global Unique Identifier: 7591c177-2bde-4641-9b60-32f68cbbd1f4
Digital Metadata:EML File
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