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Collection Profile for: BLMRD - BLM Herbarium - Redding FO (BLMRD)

Our collection represents a portion of the plants in the upper Sacramento Valley and Shasta Cascades region of Northern California. Plants are collected on land managed by the Bureau of Land Management Redding Field Office. Redding BLM herbarium's main focus is vascular plants, however some non-vascular plants have been collected. The Redding BLM office covers many different types of ecosystems that range from ecosystems with serpentine soils to wetlands and vernal pools. Collections range back to the 1960s; about 1,000 collections have been made.


Collection Statistics

  • 835 specimen records
  • 497 (60%) georeferenced
  • 824 (99%) with images (824 total images)
  • 818 (98%) identified to species
  • 75 families
  • 283 genera
  • 472 species
  • 533 total taxa (including subsp. and var.)

Extra Statistics

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Collection Type: Preserved Specimens
Management: Data snapshot of local collection database
Last Update: 22 April 2019
Digital Metadata:EML File
IPT / DwC-A Source:Import from NANSH
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