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Collection Profile for: SDBG - San Diego Botanic Garden Herbarium (SDBG)

Our herbarium was established in 2019 as San Diego Botanic Garden began its science and conservation focus. Our herbarium encompasses c. 300+ specimens (and growing!) of mostly rare plants in San Diego and Imperial Counties but extends through the central coast as well. All of our specimens are preserved (pressed vouchers).



Collection Statistics

  • 272 specimen records
  • 265 (97%) georeferenced
  • 1 (0.37%) with images (3 total images)
  • 202 (74%) identified to species
  • 54 families
  • 80 genera
  • 92 species
  • 102 total taxa (including subsp. and var.)

Extra Statistics

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Collection Type: Preserved Specimens
Management: Live Data managed directly within data portal
Last Update: 31 October 2023
Global Unique Identifier: 3d26287d-0624-4146-abb9-859cc97a99e4
Digital Metadata:EML File
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