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Specimen data from the Consortium of California Herbaria

UCNRS San Joaquin Marsh Reserve Vascular Plant Checklist

Locality: San Joaquin Marsh Reserve, Irvine, California (33.658630, -117.852990)

This is a checklist of the native and naturalized vascular plants occurring on the University of California Natural Reserve System's San Joaquin Marsh Reserve (SJMR) in Irvine, California. The SJMR is located 1.25 miles upstream of Upper Newport Bay and the San Diego Creek flood control channel passes through the reserve near its southeastern boundary. This checklist is an update to the Vascular Plant Checklist for the University of California Natural Reserve System's San Joaquin Marsh Reserve by Peter A. Bowler and Mark A. Elvin (2003), which includes a broader discussion of the ecology and history of the marsh.

This checklist lists all known vascular plants documented from Bowler and Elvin (2003) and herbarium specimen vouchers, which are linked to the Consortium of California Herbaria ( For each plant, we list duration and origin. Plant duration includes annual, biennial, and perennial. Plant origins we define as:

NATIVE: thought to occur naturally in the area, not human introduced;

NATURALIZED: not native but successfully reproducing and spreading in native habitats without human intervention;

PERSISTING FROM CULTIVATION: originally planted/cultivated, but no longer maintained; not reproducing or escaping into native habitats;

DELIBERATE RESTORATION INTRODUCTION: a deliberate introduction for restoration or habitat enhancement purposes;

WAIF: not native to the area, having been (unintentionally) human introduced, escaped from cultivation, or naturally dispersed into a natural habitat, but currently not or sparingly reproducing/spreading past initial generation or establishment. Some potential to become naturalized.

Checklist Curators: Rebecca E. Crowe, Peter A. Bowler

less detail

Families: 65.
Genera: 189.
Species: 284.
Total Taxa: 289.

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source: Voucher mentioned on 03 list only
Malephora crocea - Crocea Iceplant
source: Voucher not mentioned in 93 or 03 lists
Mesembryanthemum crystallinum - Crystalline Iceplant
17950, source: Voucher mentioned on 93 and 03 lists; A.B. McGee s.n. [IRVC]
Mesembryanthemum nodiflorum - Slender-Leaf Iceplant
17949, source: Voucher mentioned on 03 list only; A.B. McGee 1980-06-12 [IRVC]
Sesuvium verrucosum - western seapurslane
5388, 17836, 29813, source: Voucher mentioned on 93 and 03 lists; P.A. Bowler 5002 [IRVC], Gordon Marsh s.n. [IRVC], P.A. Bowler 5002 [IRVC], Gordon Marsh s.n. [IRVC]
Amaranthus albus - White Tumbleweed
18021, source: Voucher mentioned on 93 and 03 lists; A.B. McGee s.n. [IRVC]
Amaranthus blitoides - Prostrate Amaranth
17987 18030 18029, source: Voucher mentioned on 93 and 03 lists; Gordon Marsh s.n. [IRVC], Gordon Marsh s.n. [IRVC], A.B. McGee s.n. [IRVC]
Amaranthus retroflexus - Redroot Pigweed
18020, source: Voucher not mentioned in 93 or 03 lists; A.B. McGee s.n. [IRVC]
Atriplex sp. - saltbush
30637, source: Not mentioned on 93 or 03 lists voucher present in Herbarium; Annada Vattananavin 3 [IRVC]
Atriplex canescens - Fourwing Saltbush
18043 18044, source: Voucher mentioned on 93 and 03 lists; Victoria van Dissel 1 [IRVC]
Atriplex coulteri - Coulter's saltbush
source: Voucher not mentioned in 93 or 03 lists
27506, source: Voucher mentioned on 03 list only; Mark A. Elvin 3423 [IRVC]
Atriplex prostrata - Prostrate Spearscale
8659 29817, source: Voucher mentioned on 93 and 03 lists; Peter A. Bowler 5017 [IRVC], Peter A. Bowler 5017 [IRVC]
Atriplex rosea - Tumbling Orach, Redscale Saltweed
18032 18031, source: Voucher mentioned on 93 and 03 lists
Atriplex semibaccata - Australian Saltbush
5374 383 5370, source: Voucher mentioned on 93 and 03 lists; Peter A. Bowler 5023 [IRVC], Peter A. Bowler 5023 [IRVC]
Atriplex suberecta - Peregrine Saltbush
3585 27507, source: Voucher mentioned on 03 list only; Rebecca E. Crowe 504 [IRVC], Rebecca E. Crowe 504 [IRVC]
Beta vulgaris - common beet
24999, source: Voucher mentioned on 93 and 03 lists; Rebecca E. Crowe 505 [IRVC], Rebecca E. Crowe 505 [IRVC]
29829, source: Not mentioned on 93 or 03 lists voucher present in Herbarium
Chenopodium album - Lamb's Quarters
14763, source: Voucher mentioned on 93 and 03 lists
Chenopodium berlandieri - Pit-Seed Goosefoot
source: Voucher not mentioned in 93 or 03 lists
source: Voucher mentioned on 03 list only
Chenopodium murale - Nettle-Leaf Goosefoot
17834 27496, source: Voucher mentioned on 93 and 03 lists; Rebecca E. Crowe 506 [IRVC], Rebecca E. Crowe 503 [IRVC]
17886 15328, source: Voucher mentioned on 93 and 03 lists; Myat Lwin 2 [IRVC]
source: Voucher not mentioned in 93 or 03 lists
Suaeda taxifolia - woolly seablite
17900, source: Not mentioned on 93 or 03 lists voucher present in Herbarium; Gordon Marsh s.n. [IRVC]
Malosma laurina - Laurel Sumac
source: Voucher mentioned on 03 list only; Victoria van Dissel 2 [IRVC]
Rhus integrifolia - Lemonadeberry
28778 26756, source: Voucher mentioned on 03 list only; Longbottom 8 [IRVC]
Schinus terebinthifolius - Brazilian-Pepper
source: Voucher mentioned on 03 list only; Emily Nguyen 3 [IRVC]
Toxicodendron diversilobum - Western Poison-Oak
source: Voucher mentioned on 03 list only
source: Voucher not mentioned in 93 or 03 lists; Elvin, M. A. 5912 [CAS], Mark A. Elvin 5912 [UCSB]
Apium graveolens - Common Celery
17835, source: Voucher mentioned on 93 and 03 lists; Claire De Zan 2 [IRVC]
Conium maculatum - Common Poison Hemlock
17848, source: Voucher mentioned on 93 and 03 lists
Daucus pusillus - Rattlesnake Plant
27498, source: Voucher mentioned on 03 list only
17827, source: Voucher mentioned on 93 and 03 lists; Fatima Muhammad 3 [IRVC]
Asclepias fascicularis - Narrowleaf Milkweed
source: Voucher not mentioned in 93 or 03 lists
Lemna minuta - Least Duckweed
25018, source: Voucher mentioned on 03 list only
Phoenix canariensis - Canary Island Date Palm
source: Voucher not mentioned in 93 or 03 lists; Mark A. Elvin 2318 [RSA]
Phoenix dactylifera - Edible Date Palm
source: Voucher mentioned on 03 list only
Washingtonia robusta - Mexican Fan Palm
source: Voucher mentioned on 03 list only; Kate Clark 1 [IRVC]
Asparagus officinalis - Garden Asparagus
source: Voucher mentioned on 03 list only; Peter A. Bowler s.n. [UCR], Medina 1 [IRVC], Medina 1 [IRVC]
25000, 17885, source: Voucher mentioned on 03 list only; Mark A. Elvin 3404 [UCR], Peter A. Bowler 5030 [IRVC]
Ambrosia acanthicarpa - Annual Bur-Sage
27491, source: Voucher mentioned on 03 list only
Ambrosia psilostachya - Western Ragweed
493, 5381 29814, source: Voucher mentioned on 93 and 03 lists; Peter A. Bowler 5013 [IRVC], Peter A. Bowler 5013 [IRVC]
Anthemis cotula - Mayweed, Stinkweed, Dog-Fennel
17997, source: Voucher mentioned on 03 list only
17907, 17906, source: Voucher mentioned on 93 and 03 lists
Artemisia californica - Coastal Sagebrush
17817, 28770, source: Voucher mentioned on 93 and 03 lists; Victoria van Dissel 3 [IRVC]
Artemisia douglasiana - Douglas Mugwort
5380, 18628, source: Voucher mentioned on 93 and 03 lists; Kunal Dudeja 1 [IRVC]
Artemisia dracunculus - Tarragon, Dragon Sagewort
18009 17902, source: Voucher mentioned on 93 and 03 lists
17932, source: Not mentioned on 93 or 03 lists voucher present in Herbarium
source: Voucher mentioned on 03 list only
Baccharis pilularis subsp. consanguinea - Chaparral Broom, Coyote Brush
5387 28769 27500, source: Voucher mentioned on 03 list only; Tran 1 [IRVC], Myat Lwin 5 [IRVC]
Baccharis salicina - Willow Baccharis
18079 18080, source: Voucher mentioned on 93 and 03 lists
source: Voucher mentioned on 03 list only
5368, 17844, 17843, source: Voucher mentioned on 93 and 03 lists
source: Voucher mentioned on 03 list only
Cirsium vulgare - Bull Thistle
17901, source: Voucher mentioned on 93 and 03 lists; Peter A. Bowler 5010 [IRVC], Peter A. Bowler 5010 [IRVC]
Conyza floribunda - Tropical Horseweed, Asthmaweed
29812, source: Not mentioned on 93 or 03 lists voucher present in Herbarium
18008, source: Voucher mentioned on 03 list only
Cotula australis - Australian Brass-Buttons
source: Voucher mentioned on 03 list only; Zach Lee 1 [IRVC]
Cotula coronopifolia - African Brass-Buttons
178730. 17829, source: Voucher mentioned on 93 and 03 lists
source: Voucher mentioned on 93 and 03 lists
Deinandra fasciculata - Fascicled Tarweed
17903, 17904, source: Voucher mentioned on 03 list only; Peter A. Bowler 5021 [IRVC], Peter A. Bowler 5021 [IRVC], Peter A. Bowler 5021 [IRVC]
18001, source: Voucher not mentioned in 93 or 03 lists
source: Voucher mentioned on 03 list only
Erigeron bonariensis - Flax-Leaf Fleabane
17822, source: Voucher mentioned on 93 and 03 lists
18633, 17938 29827, source: Voucher not mentioned in 93 or 03 lists; Victoria van Dissel 4 [IRVC]
Euthamia occidentalis - Western Goldenrod
18010, source: Voucher mentioned on 93 and 03 lists; Peter A. Bowler 5019 [IRVC], Peter A. Bowler 5019 [IRVC]
Glebionis coronaria - Garland /Crown Daisy
source: Voucher mentioned on 03 list only
Gnaphalium palustre - Lowland Cudweed
source: Voucher not mentioned in 93 or 03 lists
source: Voucher mentioned on 93 and 03 lists
17928, 17929, 781, source: Voucher mentioned on 93 and 03 lists
Helianthus annuus - Western Sunflower
17928, 17929, 781
Helminthotheca echioides - Bristly Ox-Tongue
5372, 17851, source: Voucher mentioned on 93 and 03 lists
5367, 5382, 29994, source: Voucher mentioned on 03 list only; Claire De Zan 3 [IRVC]
17916, 17915, source: Voucher not mentioned in 93 or 03 lists
Hypochaeris glabra - Smooth Cat’s Ear
18669, source: Voucher mentioned on 93 and 03 lists; Carisa De Santos 3 [IRVC]
18081, 28771, 18039, source: Voucher mentioned on 03 list only; Peter A. Bowler 5022 [IRVC], Peter A. Bowler 5022 [IRVC]
Lactuca serriola - Prickly Lettuce
17922, 17921, source: Voucher mentioned on 93 and 03 lists
Laennecia coulteri - Coulter’s Fleabane
Logfia filaginoides - California Cottonrose
17842. 17841, source: Voucher mentioned on 93 and 03 lists
Matricaria discoidea - Common Pineapple-Weed
18563, source: Voucher mentioned on 93 and 03 lists; Toshia Brownstein 1 [IRVC]
Pluchea odorata - Salt Marsh Fleabane
5379, 18007, 876 29816, source: Voucher mentioned on 93 and 03 lists; Peter A. Bowler 5027 [IRVC], Peter A. Bowler 5027 [IRVC]
Pseudognaphalium californicum - California Everlasting
18667, 5363, source: Voucher mentioned on 93 and 03 lists
Pseudognaphalium canescens - Everlasting Cudweed
source: Voucher mentioned on 03 list only
Pseudognaphalium luteoalbum - Fragrant Everlasting Cudweed
18037, 17346, source: Voucher mentioned on 03 list only
18038, source: Not mentioned on 93 or 03 lists voucher present in Herbarium
source: Voucher mentioned on 03 list only; Rebecca E. Crowe 451 [IRVC]
27729, source: Not mentioned on 93 or 03 lists voucher present in Herbarium
Pulicaria paludosa - Spanish False-Fleabane
18000 29815 29828, source: Voucher mentioned on 93 and 03 lists; Peter A. Bowler 5041 [IRVC], Peter A. Bowler 5025 [IRVC], Peter A. Bowler 5025 [IRVC]
Senecio vulgaris - Common Groundsel
18668, source: Voucher mentioned on 93 and 03 lists; Longbottom 6 [IRVC]
Silybum marianum - Milk Thistle
source: Voucher mentioned on 03 list only; Elvin, M. A. 5921 [CAS], Elvin, M. A. 5921 [UCSB]
Soliva sessilis - Coast Soliva
18351, source: Voucher mentioned on 93 and 03 lists
Sonchus asper subsp. asper - Prickly Sow-Thistle
17831, source: Voucher mentioned on 93 and 03 lists
Sonchus oleraceus - Common Sow-Thistle
17934, 17933, source: Voucher mentioned on 03 list only
source: Voucher not mentioned in 93 or 03 lists
Stebbinsoseris heterocarpa - Grassland Stebbinsoseris
18675, source: Voucher mentioned on 93 and 03 lists
source: Voucher not mentioned in 93 or 03 lists
Symphyotrichum subulatum - Bahaman/Southwestern Annual Saltmarsh Aster
18036, 18035, 933, 20503, source: Voucher mentioned on 93 and 03 lists
29820, source: Not mentioned on 93 or 03 lists voucher present in Herbarium
17890, source: Voucher mentioned on 93 and 03 lists; Peter A. Bowler 5001 [IRVC]
Amsinckia intermedia - Rancher’s Fiddleneck
18665, source: Not mentioned on 93 or 03 lists voucher present in Herbarium; Granados 1 [IRVC]
Amsinckia menziesii - Small-Flowered Fiddleneck
source: Voucher mentioned on 93 and 03 lists
Plagiobothrys acanthocarpus - Adobe Popcornflower
source: Voucher not mentioned in 93 or 03 lists; Rebecca E. Crowe 452 [IRVC]
Brassica nigra - Black/Wild Mustard
18350, source: Voucher mentioned on 93 and 03 lists; D. Nguyen 3 [CDA], D. D. Nguyen 3 [CDA]
Brassica rapa - Wild Turnip
source: Voucher mentioned on 93 and 03 lists; Kate Clark 2 [IRVC]
5383 18569
Cardamine oligosperma - Idaho Bittercress
source: Voucher mentioned on 03 list only
Hirschfeldia incana - Short-Pod Mustard
source: Voucher mentioned on 93 and 03 lists; A.M. Lieberman 1 [IRVC]
Lepidium didymum - Lesser Wart-Cress
source: Voucher mentioned on 03 list only; Myat Lwin 1 [IRVC]
Lepidium draba - heart-podded hoarycress
source: Voucher not mentioned in 93 or 03 lists
Lepidium lasiocarpum - Sand Peppergrass
source: Voucher mentioned on 03 list only
Lepidium latifolium - Broad-Leaf Peppergrass
29818, source: Voucher not mentioned in 93 or 03 lists
Lepidium nitidum - Shining Peppergrass
18352, source: Voucher mentioned on 93 and 03 lists
Lepidium virginicum - Virginia Peppercress
source: Voucher mentioned on 93 and 03 lists; Ha 1 [IRVC]
Lobularia maritima - Sweet Alyssum
source: Voucher mentioned on 03 list only
Raphanus sativus - Wild Radish
5365, source: Voucher mentioned on 93 and 03 lists
Sisymbrium irio - London Rocket Mustard
source: Voucher mentioned on 03 list only; Justin Choi 2 [IRVC], Drake 2 [IRVC]
source: Voucher mentioned on 03 list only
Opuntia sp. - Prickly-Pear
source: Voucher mentioned on 03 list only
Opuntia littoralis - Coast Prickly-Pear
source: Voucher mentioned on 03 list only; Mark A. Elvin 3412 [UCR]
Opuntia oricola - Chaparral Prickly-Pear
Spergularia marina - salt sandspurry
18571, source: Voucher mentioned on 93 and 03 lists
Spergularia rubra - Ruby Sand-Spurrey
source: Voucher mentioned on 03 list only; Toshia Brownstein 2 [IRVC]
Spergularia villosa - Villous Sand-Spurrey
18003, source: Voucher not mentioned in 93 or 03 lists
Salicornia pacifica - Pacific swampfire
5386 17866, source: Voucher mentioned on 93 and 03 lists; Peter A. Bowler 5018 [IRVC], Peter A. Bowler 5018 [IRVC]
Salsola australis - Australian Tumbleweed
29830, source: Not mentioned on 93 or 03 lists voucher present in Herbarium
Salsola tragus - tumbleweed
5375, source: Voucher mentioned on 03 list only; Peter A. Bowler 5029 [IRVC], Peter A. Bowler 5029 [IRVC]
Calystegia sepium - wild morningglory
source: Voucher mentioned on 93 and 03 lists
17838, source: Not mentioned on 93 or 03 lists voucher present in Herbarium; Gordon Marsh s.n. [IRVC]
Convolvulus arvensis - Field Bindweed
17874, source: Voucher mentioned on 93 and 03 lists
Convolvulus simulans - Small-Flower Bindweed
29834, source: Not mentioned on 93 or 03 lists voucher present in Herbarium; Tom McCrainie 8 [IRVC]
17863 17816, source: Voucher mentioned on 93 and 03 lists; Peter A. Bowler 5004 [IRVC], Peter A. Bowler 5004 [IRVC]
Cuscuta californica - California/Chaparral Dodder
source: Voucher not mentioned in 93 or 03 lists
Cuscuta campestris - Field Dodder
18326 15657, source: Not mentioned on 93 or 03 lists voucher present in Herbarium; Peter A. Bowler 5000 [IRVC], Peter A. Bowler 5000 [IRVC], Gordon Marsh s.n. [IRVC]
Cuscuta salina - saltmarsh dodder
source: Voucher not mentioned in 93 or 03 lists
Cuscuta subinclusa - Canyon Dodder
29789, source: Voucher mentioned on 03 list only
Crassula sp. - pygmyweed
18570, source: Voucher mentioned on 03 list only
Dudleya lanceolata - Lance-Leaf Dudleya
source: Voucher mentioned on 03 list only
Dudleya multicaulis - Many-Stem Dudleya
source: Voucher mentioned on 03 list only
Dudleya pulverulenta - Chalk Dudleya
source: Voucher mentioned on 03 list only; Mark A. Elvin 2956 [UCR]
Cucurbita foetidissima - Stinking Gourd, Calabazilla
18016, source: Voucher mentioned on 93 and 03 lists
Bolboschoenus maritimus - Prairie Bulrush
1235 5376 17819 18013 18025, source: Voucher mentioned on 93 and 03 lists
Bolboschoenus robustus - sturdy bulrush
source: Voucher mentioned on 93 and 03 lists; CNPS Accuracy... 9342.1 [RSA]
Cyperus eragrostis - Tall Flatsedge
15208, source: Voucher mentioned on 93 and 03 lists
Cyperus esculentus - yellow nutgrass
18014, source: Voucher not mentioned in 93 or 03 lists
Cyperus odoratus - Fragrant Flatsedge
source: Voucher not mentioned in 93 or 03 lists
Eleocharis macrostachya - Pale Spike-Rush
source: Voucher not mentioned in 93 or 03 lists
Schoenoplectus americanus - Olney’s Bulrush
17898 17925, source: Voucher mentioned on 93 and 03 lists; Peter A. Bowler 5014 [IRVC], Peter A. Bowler 5014 [IRVC]
Schoenoplectus californicus - California Bulrush
17899 1236 29809, source: Voucher mentioned on 93 and 03 lists; CNPS Accuracy... 9313 [RSA]
source: Voucher not mentioned in 93 or 03 lists
Diospyros lycioides - red star apple
Croton setigerus - Doveweed, Turkey Mullein
17814, source: Voucher mentioned on 93 and 03 lists
Euphorbia albomarginata - White-Margin Sandwort
20502 29811, source: Voucher mentioned on 03 list only
Euphorbia maculata - Spotted Spurge
source: Voucher not mentioned in 93 or 03 lists
Euphorbia prostrata - prostrate spurge
18622, source: Voucher not mentioned in 93 or 03 lists
Euphorbia serpens - round-leafed spurge
source: Voucher not mentioned in 93 or 03 lists
Euphorbia serpillifolia - thymeleaf sandmat
source: Voucher not mentioned in 93 or 03 lists
17085, source: Not mentioned on 93 or 03 lists voucher present in Herbarium
Ricinus communis - Castor Bean
17910 5373, source: Voucher mentioned on 93 and 03 lists; Griffin Kahnke 1 [IRVC]
source: Voucher not mentioned in 93 or 03 lists
source: Voucher mentioned on 03 list only
5366, source: Voucher mentioned on 03 list only
18676, source: Voucher mentioned on 03 list only
Melilotus albus - White Sweetclover
2402 17912, source: Voucher mentioned on 03 list only; Peter A. Bowler 5012 [IRVC], Peter A. Bowler 5012 [IRVC]
5385, source: Voucher mentioned on 03 list only
source: Voucher mentioned on 03 list only
Quercus agrifolia - Coast Live Oak
source: Voucher mentioned on 03 list only; Dehao Yu 2 [IRVC]
Frankenia salina - alkali-heath
17815 5390 5389, source: Voucher mentioned on 03 list only; Peter A. Bowler 5028 [IRVC], Peter A. Bowler 5028 [IRVC]
Erodium botrys - Long-Beak Filaree/Storksbill
source: Voucher mentioned on 03 list only
Erodium cicutarium - Red-Stem Filaree/Storksbill
5364 18562, source: Voucher mentioned on 93 and 03 lists
Erodium moschatum - White-Stem Filaree/Storksbill
18561, source: Voucher mentioned on 93 and 03 lists
17924, 17923, 17826, source: Voucher mentioned on 93 and 03 lists; Peter A. Bowler 5016 [IRVC], Peter A. Bowler 5016 [IRVC]
Phacelia ramosissima - Branching Phacelia
30603, source: Not mentioned on 93 or 03 lists voucher present in Herbarium
Sisyrinchium bellum - Blue-Eyed-Grass
26967, source: Voucher mentioned on 03 list only
Juncus acutus - spiny rush
Juncus acutus subsp. leopoldii - Southwestern Spiny Rush
29826, source: Not mentioned on 93 or 03 lists voucher present in Herbarium; Artie Thomas 609238 [IRVC]
Juncus balticus - Baltic rush
source: Voucher mentioned on 03 list only; Peter A. Bowler 5006 [IRVC], Peter A. Bowler 5006 [IRVC]
source: Voucher not mentioned in 93 or 03 lists; Rebecca E. Crowe 454 [IRVC]
21425, source: Voucher not mentioned in 93 or 03 lists
17894, source: Voucher mentioned on 03 list only
Salvia mellifera - Black Sage
27011, source: Voucher mentioned on 03 list only
18670, source: Voucher mentioned on 93 and 03 lists
source: Voucher mentioned on 03 list only
Lythrum tribracteatum - threebract loosestrife
source: Voucher not mentioned in 93 or 03 lists
Abutilon theophrasti - velvetleaf Indian mallow
18019, source: Voucher mentioned on 93 and 03 lists
Malva parviflora - Cheeseweed
17988, source: Voucher mentioned on 93 and 03 lists; Myat Lwin 6 [IRVC]
Malva sylvestris - high mallow
source: Voucher mentioned on 03 list only
Malvella leprosa - dollar weed
17917 17911, source: Voucher mentioned on 03 list only; Peter A. Bowler 5005 [IRVC], Peter A. Bowler 5005 [IRVC]
Lysimachia arvensis - Scarlet Pimpernel
17862 17847, source: Voucher mentioned on 93 and 03 lists; Rebecca E. Crowe 450 [IRVC]
Callistemon sp. - bottlebrush
29833, source: Not mentioned on 93 or 03 lists voucher present in Herbarium
29883, source: Not mentioned on 93 or 03 lists voucher present in Herbarium
Eucalyptus citriodora - Lemon-Scented Gum
source: Voucher mentioned on 03 list only
Melaleuca viminalis - weeping bottlebrush
source: Voucher mentioned on 03 list only
Mirabilis laevis - Wishbone Plant
source: Voucher mentioned on 03 list only
29832, source: Not mentioned on 93 or 03 lists voucher present in Herbarium
Epilobium sp. - willowweed
source: Voucher not mentioned in 93 or 03 lists
Ludwigia peploides - creeping waterprimrose
source: Voucher not mentioned in 93 or 03 lists
source: Voucher mentioned on 03 list only
Oxalis pes-caprae - African Wood-Sorrel
source: Voucher mentioned on 03 list only; Myat Lwin 4 [IRVC]
Mimulus aurantiacus - Orange Monkey Flower
source: Voucher not mentioned in 93 or 03 lists
Pinus halepensis - Aleppo Pine
29792, source: Not mentioned on 93 or 03 lists voucher present in Herbarium
Plantago elongata - prairie plantain
source: Voucher not mentioned in 93 or 03 lists
Plantago erecta - Dot-Seed Plantain
source: Voucher mentioned on 03 list only; Rebecca E. Crowe 455 [IRVC]
Plantago major - rippleseed plantain
source: Voucher not mentioned in 93 or 03 lists
17989, source: Voucher mentioned on 93 and 03 lists
source: Voucher not mentioned in 93 or 03 lists, added in the revision
Platanus racemosa - Western Sycamore
source: Voucher not mentioned in 93 or 03 lists
Arundo donax - Giant Reed
18017, source: Voucher mentioned on 93 and 03 lists; Angelina Reynolds 1 [IRVC], Mark A. Elvin 5310 [CDA]
Avena barbata - Slender Wild Oat
18673, source: Voucher mentioned on 93 and 03 lists
Avena fatua - Insipid Wild Oat
27505, source: Voucher mentioned on 03 list only; Tahis Alcantar 2 [IRVC]
source: Voucher mentioned on 03 list only
Bromus diandrus - Ripgut Grass
18743 18671 18564, source: Voucher mentioned on 93 and 03 lists
17832 17876, source: Voucher mentioned on 03 list only
source: Voucher not mentioned in 93 or 03 lists
Bromus madritensis - Madrid Brome
source: Voucher mentioned on 93 and 03 lists
18672 18354, source: Not mentioned on 93 or 03 lists voucher present in Herbarium; Gordon Marsh s.n. [IRVC]
Cortaderia selloana - Sellow's Pampas Grass
18066, source: Voucher not mentioned in 93 or 03 lists
Crypsis schoenoides - Prickle Grass
17892, source: Voucher not mentioned in 93 or 03 lists; Peter A. Bowler 5024 [IRVC], Peter A. Bowler 5024 [IRVC]
Cynodon dactylon - Bermuda Grass
17869, source: Voucher mentioned on 93 and 03 lists; Peter A. Bowler 5036 [IRVC]
17091, source: Voucher mentioned on 93 and 03 lists
17846, source: Voucher mentioned on 93 and 03 lists
14760, source: Voucher mentioned on 93 and 03 lists
Echinochloa crus-galli - Common Barnyard Grass
17984, source: Voucher mentioned on 93 and 03 lists
17983, source: Not mentioned on 93 or 03 lists voucher present in Herbarium
Elymus condensatus - Giant Wild-Rye
source: Voucher mentioned on 93 and 03 lists
Elymus triticoides - Beardless Wild-Rye
18745 18005 17905, source: Voucher mentioned on 93 and 03 lists
17880, source: Voucher mentioned on 93 and 03 lists
Festuca myuros - Rat-Tail Fescue
18355, source: Voucher mentioned on 93 and 03 lists; Carisa De Santos 4 [IRVC]
Festuca perrenis - Perennial/Italian Rye Grass
source: Voucher mentioned on 93 and 03 lists
Hordeum murinum - Wall Barley
27822, source: Voucher mentioned on 03 list only
Hordeum vulgare - cereal barley
source: Voucher not mentioned in 93 or 03 lists
Lamarckia aurea - Golden-Top
27753, source: Voucher mentioned on 03 list only
17999 29821 27504 27751, source: Voucher mentioned on 03 list only
Paspalum dilatatum - Dallis Grass
17918 17998 29831 29791, source: Voucher mentioned on 93 and 03 lists
Paspalum distichum - Common Knotgrass
source: Voucher not mentioned in 93 or 03 lists
source: Voucher mentioned on 03 list only
Phalaris minor - Little-Seed Canary Grass
source: Voucher mentioned on 03 list only
Polypogon monspeliensis - Annual Beard Grass
17868 17824, source: Voucher mentioned on 93 and 03 lists; Rebecca E. Crowe 453 [IRVC]
Schismus barbatus - Mediterranean Schismus
17839, source: Voucher mentioned on 93 and 03 lists; C.T. Ha 1 [IRVC]
Setaria verticillata - Hooked Bristle Grass
17993, source: Voucher mentioned on 93 and 03 lists
17982, source: Voucher mentioned on 93 and 03 lists
Stipa pulchra - Purple Needle Grass
18674, source: Voucher mentioned on 93 and 03 lists
Eriogonum cinereum - Coastal Wild Buckwheat
source: Voucher mentioned on 03 list only
Eriogonum elongatum - Long-Stem Wild Buckwheat
27012, source: Voucher mentioned on 03 list only
Eriogonum fasciculatum - California Buckwheat
28779 29993 28779(dup), source: Voucher mentioned on 03 list only
Eriogonum fasciculatum var. foliolosum - Inland California Buckwheat
26729, source: Not mentioned on 93 or 03 lists voucher present in Herbarium
Persicaria amphibia - Kelp Smartweed
source: Voucher not mentioned in 93 or 03 lists; O.F. Clarke s.n. [UCR]
Persicaria lapathifolia - Willow Smartweed
17990, source: Voucher not mentioned in 93 or 03 lists
Persicaria maculosa - Lady’s Thumb
source: Voucher not mentioned in 93 or 03 lists; Peter A. Bowler 5007 [IRVC]
29819, source: Not mentioned on 93 or 03 lists voucher present in Herbarium
18024 17888, source: Not mentioned on 93 or 03 lists voucher present in Herbarium; Annada Vattananavin 4 [IRVC]
Polygonum aviculare subsp. depressum - renouée à petits fruits
source: Voucher mentioned on 93 and 03 lists
Rumex conglomeratus - Whorled Dock
source: Voucher not mentioned in 93 or 03 lists
Rumex crispus - Curly Dock
17828 18002, source: Voucher mentioned on 93 and 03 lists
Portulaca oleracea - Common Purslane
source: Voucher not mentioned in 93 or 03 lists
25002, source: Voucher not mentioned in 93 or 03 lists
Pentagramma triangularis - California Goldback Fern
source: Voucher not mentioned in 93 or 03 lists
Ceanothus megacarpus - bigpod ceanothus
source: Voucher mentioned on 03 list only; Dehao Yu 1 [IRVC]
26730, source: Not mentioned on 93 or 03 lists voucher present in Herbarium
source: Voucher mentioned on 03 list only; Emily Nguyen 2 [IRVC]
Rosa californica - California Rose
source: Voucher mentioned on 03 list only; Peter A. Bowler 5009 [IRVC], Peter A. Bowler 5009 [IRVC]
Galium aparine - Common Bedstraw, Goose Grass
18666 18568, source: Voucher mentioned on 93 and 03 lists
Ruppia maritima - Beadfruit Sea-Tassel
25001, source: Not mentioned on 93 or 03 lists voucher present in Herbarium; Nabiha Kamran 1 [IRVC]
Populus fremontii - Western Cottonwood
source: Voucher mentioned on 03 list only
27726, source: Not mentioned on 93 or 03 lists voucher present in Herbarium
Salix exigua - Narrow-Leaf Willow
source: Voucher mentioned on 93 and 03 lists
18012, source: Not mentioned on 93 or 03 lists voucher present in Herbarium
Salix gooddingii - Goodding’s Black Willow
17871, source: Voucher mentioned on 93 and 03 lists; Ratchanee Thao 2 [IRVC]
Salix laevigata - Red Willow
source: Voucher not mentioned in 93 or 03 lists
Salix lasiolepis - Arroyo Willow
17865 17864, source: Voucher mentioned on 93 and 03 lists; Fatima Muhammad 2 [IRVC]
384, source: Voucher mentioned on 93 and 03 lists; Victoria van Dissel 5 [IRVC]
26961, source: Voucher mentioned on 03 list only
Myoporum laetum - Ngaio Tree
17927, source: Voucher mentioned on 93 and 03 lists
29795, source: Voucher mentioned on 03 list only
Datura wrightii - Western Jimson Weed
17825, source: Voucher mentioned on 93 and 03 lists; Peter A. Bowler 5008 [IRVC], Peter A. Bowler 5008 [IRVC]
Lycium californicum - California desert-thorn
18348 17881, source: Voucher mentioned on 93 and 03 lists; Rebecca E. Crowe 676 [IRVC]
source: Voucher not mentioned in 93 or 03 lists; Annada Vattananavin 1 [IRVC]
Nicotiana glauca - Tree Tobacco
17889, source: Voucher mentioned on 93 and 03 lists
Nicotiana quadrivalvis - Four-Valved Tobacco
18023, source: Voucher mentioned on 93 and 03 lists
Solanum americanum - White Nightshade
source: Voucher mentioned on 03 list only; Myat Lwin 3 [IRVC]
Solanum douglasii - Douglas’s Nightshade
18011 17909, source: Voucher mentioned on 93 and 03 lists
17995, source: Voucher mentioned on 93 and 03 lists
Bloomeria crocea - Common Goldenstar
18741, source: Voucher mentioned on 93 and 03 lists
18566, source: Voucher mentioned on 93 and 03 lists; Carisa De Santos 5 [IRVC]
Typha angustifolia - Narrow-Leaf Cattail
17895, source: Voucher mentioned on 93 and 03 lists
Typha domingensis - Southern Cattail
source: Voucher not mentioned in 93 or 03 lists; Plant Princesses 1 [IRVC]
Typha latifolia - Broad-Leaf Cattail
3688 17893, source: Voucher mentioned on 93 and 03 lists
Urtica dioica - Tall Nettle
source: Voucher mentioned on 93 and 03 lists
Urtica urens - Dwarf Nettle
source: Voucher mentioned on 03 list only; Longbottom 5 [IRVC]
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