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Specimen data from the Consortium of California Herbaria

SDSU Adobe Falls Ecological Reserve Plant Checklist

Authors: Michael G. Simpson
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Families: 74.
Genera: 211.
Species: 283.
Total Taxa: 289.

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NATIVE, Note: A recent name change from Chlorogalum parviflorum. See: Taylor and Keil. 2018. Phytoneuron 27:1-6, iNat Observations; Michael G. Simpson 4108 [SDSU]
NATURALIZED (native to Europe). Note: See Fuentes-Bazan, et al. 2012; a recent name change from Chenopodium murale; Michael G. Simpson 4145 [SDSU], Matthew L. Pauchnick 5 [SDSU]
Schinus molle L. - Peruvian Pepper Tree
NATURALIZED (native to South America), iNat Observations; Michael G. Simpson 4007 [SDSU]
Apium graveolens L. - Common Celery
NATURALIZED (native to Eurasia), iNat Observations; Bourgeois, Bradley 11 [SDSU]
NATIVE, Note: Based on an historical specimen; possibly extirpated in region.; Frank F. Gander 141-34 [SD]
NATURALIZED (native locality unclear, possibly southwest Asia), iNat Observations; Michael G. Simpson 4006 [SDSU]
Phoenix canariensis H.Wildpret - Canary Island Date Palm
NATURALIZED (native to Canary Islands), iNat Observations; Horita, Chie 12 [SDSU]
NATURALIZED (native to Baja California, Sonora, Mexico), iNat Observations (as genus only); Uhrik, Kevin 4 [SDSU]
NATURALIZED, iNat Observations
Asplenium vespertinum Maxon - Western Spleenwort
NATIVE, Note: Historical specimen, locality uncertain.; Coy s.n. [SD]
Anthemis cotula L. - Mayweed, Stinkweed, Dog-Fennel
NATURALIZED (native to Europe), iNat Observations; Billings, Emma 5 [SDSU]
Bidens pilosa L. - Common Beggar’s Tick, Spanish Needles
NATURALIZED, iNat Observations
NATURALIZED (native to southern Europe), iNat Observations; Bourgeois, Bradley 8 [SDSU]
NATURALIZED (native to Australia); Michael G. Simpson 4155 [SDSU]
Erigeron sumatrensis Retz. - Tropical Horseweed, Asthmaweed
NATURALIZED, iNat Observations
NATURALIZED (native to Mediterranean), iNat Observations; Cruz, Stephen 12 [SDSU]
Hypochaeris glabra L. - Smooth Cat’s Ear
NATURALIZED (native to Europe); Michael G. Simpson 4088 [SDSU]
Iva hayesiana A. Gray - San Diego Marsh-Elder
Logfia gallica (L.) Coss. & Germ. - Narrow-Leaf Cottonrose
NATURALIZED (native to Mediterranean), iNat Observations; Michael G. Simpson 4084 [SDSU]
Pluchea odorata (L.) Cass. - Salt Marsh Fleabane
Senecio vulgaris L. - Common Groundsel
NATURALIZED (native to Eurasia, n. Africa), iNat Observations; Sonya A. Holmquist 7 [SDSU]
Sonchus asper (L.) Hill - Prickly Sow-Thistle
Symphyotrichum subulatum (Michx.) G.L. Nesom - Bahaman/Southwestern Annual Saltmarsh Aster
NATIVE, iNat Observations Note: Treated as Amsinckia menziesii var. menziesii on iNaturalist.
Cryptantha clevelandii Greene - Cleveland's Cryptantha
NATURALIZED (native to Europe), iNat Observations Note: Treated as Ramphospermum nigrum on iNaturalist.; Valerio, Raymond 7 [SDSU]
Brassica rapa L. - Wild Turnip
NATURALIZED (native to Europe), iNat Observations; Michael G. Simpson 4148 [SDSU]
NATURALIZED (native to eastern Europe and Anatolia), iNat Observations
Lepidium virginicum L. - Virginia Peppercress
Raphanus sativus L. - Wild Radish
NATURALIZED (Native to Southeast Asia), iNat Observations; Billings, Emma 4 [SDSU]
NATURALIZED (Native to Central Mexico), iNat Observations
NATURALIZED (Native to Europe), iNat Observations
Silene gallica L. - Windmill Pink
NATURALIZED (Native to Eurasia and North Africa), iNat Observations; Monica J. Stupaczuk 5 [SDSU]
Stellaria media (L.) Vill. - Common Chickweed
NATURALIZED (native to Eurasia), iNat Observations
NATIVE, iNat Observations Note: The subspecies of Calystegia macrostegia are not recognized in a recent thesis, Namoff, S. M. 2017. Hybridization processes, biogeographic patterns and taxonomic rearrangements within Calystegia (Convolvulaceae). PhD. Claremont Gr; Michael G. Simpson 4071 [SDSU]
Cuscuta californica Hook. & Arn. - California/Chaparral Dodder
NATURALIZED (native to Eurasia), iNat Observations
Carex spissa L.H. Bailey - San Diego Sedge
NATIVE, Note: An historical specimen collected in 1936; not collected in reserve since.; Frank F. Gander 1604 [SD]
NATURALIZED (native to eastern Africa), iNat Observations. Note: Treated as Cyperus alternifolius subsp. flabelliformis Kük. in Plants of the World Online and iNaturalist.; Bourgeois, Bradley 9 [SDSU]
NATIVE, Note: An historical specimen collected in 1936; not collected in reserve since.; Frank F. Gander 2038 [SD]
Xylococcus bicolor Nutt. - mission manzanita
Acacia redolens Maslin - Vanilla Scented Wattle
NATURALIZED (native to Australia), iNat Observations
NATURALIZED (native to the Mediterranean Basin), iNat Observations
Melilotus albus Medik. - White Sweetclover
NATURALIZED (Native to Eurasia), iNat Observations; Nathan J Taylor 7 [SDSU]
Quercus agrifolia Née - Coast Live Oak
Quercus dumosa Nutt. - coastal sage scrub oak
Juncus acutus L. - spiny rush
NATIVE, iNat Observations. Note: Species contains several varieties.; Michael G. Simpson 4106 [SDSU]
NATIVE, Note: Environmental Listing: 1B.1 FT (Federally Threatened) CE (California Endangered) G1 S1. Known only from an historical specimen collected in 1931.; Cook, Lorenzo 1931-05-07 [SDSU]
NATIVE, Note: Environmental Listing: 1B.1 FE (Federally Endangered) CE (California Endangered) G1 S1. Known only from an historical specimen collected in 1930.; J.E. Cole s.n. [LA]
Calochortus weedii Alph.Wood - Weed's Mariposa Lily
NATURALIZED (native to Mexico and Central America), iNat Observations
NATIVE, Note: Recognized as Sairocarpus nuttallianus in iNaturalist.; Trice, Aida 8 [SDSU]
Callitriche marginata Torr. - Winged Water-Starwort
Plantago major L. - rippleseed plantain
NATURALIZED (Native to Europe), iNat Observations
NATURALIZED (native to Africa and Eurasia), iNat Observations
Arundo donax L. - Giant Reed
NATURALIZED (native to Europe), iNat Observations; Ramirez, Danielle 4 [SDSU]
Avena barbata Pott ex Link - Slender Wild Oat
NATURALIZED (native to southern Europe, northern Africa to India), iNat Observations; Michael G. Simpson 4009 [SDSU]
NATURALIZED (native to southern Europe), iNat Observations; Michael G. Simpson 4010 [SDSU]
Briza minor L. - Little Quaking Grass
NATURALIZED (native to southern and western Europe); Matthew L. Pauchnick 10 [SDSU], Thiede, Jim 8 [SDSU], Frank F. Gander 2035 [SD]
Bromus diandrus Roth - Ripgut Grass
NATURALIZED (native to Europe), iNat Observations; Lazaro, Bridgette 11 [SDSU]
Bromus madritensis L. - Madrid Brome
NATURALIZED (native to Europe); Fitch, Ryan 22 [SDSU]
Bromus rubens L. - Red Brome
NATURALIZED (native to Europe); Soto, Priscilla 6 [SDSU]
Cenchrus setaceus (Forssk.) Morrone - African Fountain Grass
NATURALIZED (native to Africa), [Pennisetum setaceum (Forssk.) Chiov.]iNat Observations.; Uhrik, Kevin 2 [SDSU]
NATURALIZED (native to eastern South America), iNat Observations; Michael G. Simpson 4103 [SDSU]
Ehrharta longiflora Sm. - Long-Flowered Veldt Grass
NATURALIZED (native to s Africa); Michael G. Simpson 5118 [SDSU]
Elymus glaucus Buckley - Blue Wild-Rye
NATIVE, Note: Not determined to subspecies yet.; Frank F. Gander 2044 [SD]
Festuca myuros L. - Rat-Tail Fescue
NATURALIZED (probably native to Europe), iNat Observations; Michael G. Simpson 4129 [SDSU]
Festuca perennis (L.) Columbus & J.P.Sm. - Perennial/Italian Rye Grass
NATURALIZED (native to Eurasia and northern Africa); Nathan J Taylor 17 [SDSU]
NATURALIZED (native to Mediterranean); Youngberg, Florence 1932-03-15 [SDSU]
Nassella lepida (Hitchc.) Barkworth - Foothill Needle Grass
NATIVE, [Stipa lepida Hitchc.] iNat Observations; Hinton, Selena 8 [SDSU]
NATIVE, [Stipa pulchra Hitchc.] iNat Observations; Michael G. Simpson 5117 [SDSU]
NATURALIZED, iNat Observations
Phalaris minor Retz. - Little-Seed Canary Grass
NATURALIZED (native to Mediterranean); Frank F. Gander 2036 [SD]
NATURALIZED (native to southern Europe and Asia), iNat Observations; Nathan J Taylor 16 [SDSU]
Schismus barbatus (L.) Thell. - Mediterranean Schismus
NATURALIZED (native to southern Europe, Africa), iNat Observations; Michael G. Simpson 4077 [SDSU]
Eriogonum fasciculatum Benth. - California Buckwheat
Aphanes occidentalis (Nutt.) Rydb. - Western Lady’s Mantle
NATIVE, iNat Observations Note: Recognized as Alchemilla occidentalis in iNaturalist.; Michael G. Simpson 4143 [SDSU]
Salix exigua Nutt. - Narrow-Leaf Willow
Solanum douglasii Dunal - Douglas’s Nightshade
Parietaria hespera Hinton - Western Pellitory
Tribulus terrestris L. - Puncture Vine
NATURALIZED (native to Mediterranean), iNat Observations
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