Collection Profile for: JROH - Jasper Ridge Biological Preserve, Stanford University (JROH) The Oakmead Herbarium at Jasper Ridge Biological Preserve was founded in 1996. All specimens were collected from the 1198 acres (485 ha) now comprising the Jasper Ridge Biological Preserve of Stanford University, San Mateo County, California. Major collectors include John Hunter Thomas (1955-1992), John Rawlings (2004-n) and Toni Corelli (1990-2016). Size of collection: ~5500 specimens.
Herbarium & Data Contact: John Rawlings,
Assoc. Dir. of Research: Adriana Hernandez,
Ann Lambrecht,
Diane Renshaw,
Collection Statistics
5,354 specimen records
4,147 (77%) georeferenced
5,307 (99%) with images (6,723 total images) 5,270 (98%) identified to species 111 families 457 genera 670 species 872 total taxa (including subsp. and var.)
Collection Type: Preserved Specimens
Live Data managed directly within data portal
Last Update:
13 April 2020
Global Unique Identifier: c8415d43-4bcc-4a97-81ab-f9879d99cab3
Usage Rights:
Taxon Distribution
Taxon Distribution
Achillea (12 ) Achyrachaena (21 ) Adenocaulon (1 ) Agoseris (19 ) Ancistrocarphus (1 ) Anisocarpus (1 ) Anthemis (9 ) Arnica (1 ) Artemisia (10 ) Baccharis (18 ) Calycadenia (22 ) Carduus (6 ) Centaurea (25 ) Cichorium (1 ) Cirsium (14 ) Coreopsis (1 ) Cotula (5 ) Deinandra (1 ) Delairea (4 ) Dittrichia (1 ) Erigeron (22 ) Eriophyllum (23 ) Eurybia (7 ) Euthamia (4 ) Gamochaeta (13 ) Gnaphalium (3 ) Grindelia (14 ) Helenium (15 ) Helianthella (14 ) Helminthotheca (7 ) Hemizonia (12 ) Hesperevax (25 ) Heterotheca (5 ) Hieracium (2 ) Hypochaeris (29 ) Lactuca (11 ) Lagophylla (15 ) Lapsana (3 ) Lasthenia (15 ) Layia (21 ) Lessingia (32 ) Leucanthemum (4 ) Logfia (22 ) Madia (64 ) Matricaria (12 ) Micropus (18 ) Microseris (22 ) Monolopia (3 ) Pentachaeta (5 ) Petasites (2 ) Pseudognaphalium (36 ) Psilocarphus (21 ) Rafinesquia (3 ) Rigiopappus (10 ) Santolina (1 ) Senecio (21 ) Silybum (4 ) Solidago (3 ) Soliva (15 ) Sonchus (9 ) Stebbinsoseris (2 ) Stephanomeria (5 ) Symphyotrichum (3 ) Tanacetum (5 ) Taraxacum (4 ) Tragopogon (1 ) Uropappus (8 ) Urospermum (2 ) Wyethia (21 ) Xanthium (2 )