OBI - Robert F. Hoover Herbarium, Cal Poly State University (OBI)
Erigeron subtrinervis Rydb.
David J. Keil (2019-02-21)
Western Mountain Aster
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Tom Schweich
United States, Colorado, Lake, Chalk Creek; Along Chalk Creek, National Forest Road 134, off Colorado Highway 91, 13.3 km. northeast of the GNIS location of Leadville.
39.35482465 -106.2168263 WGS84
3197 meters (10486ft)
perennial herb, 35-40 cm, rhizomatous; stem, spreading hairy, thinning on older stem, without decurrent lines from leaf bases; leaves, basal withered, cauline, alternate, petiole, proximal 28 mm, to bsent mid- to distal-cauline, blad, 40 mm x 7 mm wide, 5.7x long as wide, reduced distally, lanceolate, entire, tips white spinulose only in the most distal leaves; inflorescence, heads #4-8 per stem, showy, (nearly) flat-topped, >leaves; peduncles, 25-50 mm; involucre, 7 mm x 14 mm wide, hemispheric; phyllaries, 3+ series, +- equal, 7 mm x 0.7 mm wide, green, with a purplish tip, margins, flat, scarious, tips, sinuous, acute; flowers, of 2 kinds; ray flowers, +-#100 (more than usually described), tube 3 mm. + blade 11 mm x 1.4 mm wide, blue, fertile (assumed, at least small stigmas seen); disk flowers, many, tube 4 mm + lobes 0.5 mm, yellow; pappus, 2 series, on both ray and disk flowers, 0.5 mm and 3.0 mm, bristles, barbellate; cypsela, 2 mm x 0.8 mm wide, compressed front to back, brown
pressed herbarium specimen
collected by permit: Pike-San Isabel National Forest, 2018, issued: May 2, 2018, to: Tom Schweich