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Specimen data from the Consortium of California Herbaria

Checklist of the Vascular Flora of Santa Rosa Island

Authors: Kristen Hasenstab-Lehman and C. Matt Guilliams
Citation: K.E. Hasenstab-Lehman C.M. Guilliams, 2021. Checklist of the Vascular Flora of Santa Rosa Island, California, Version 1. Originally published online February 22, 2021, updated continually thereafter.
Locality: Santa Rosa Island, Channel Islands National Park
Abstract: This is a voucher-based checklist of Santa Rosa Island, one of the California Channel Islands off the coast of California. Data for the checklist came from study of specimens deposited in herbaria. All information was cross-referenced against Wallace (1985), and Ratay et al. (2014), along with the latest taxonomic treatments in regional floras (e.g., The Jepson eFlora, In some cases, taxonomic experts were consulted to assist with determinations. This list will be continually updated.
less detail

Families: 86.
Genera: 301.
Species: 528.
Total Taxa: 541.

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Channel Islands endemic; a species of environmental concern.; Abrams, L. R.... 239 [CAS]
Single collection; needs herbarium study; Guy L. Fleming s.n. [SD]
Non-native taxon.
Non-native taxon.
Non-native taxon; single collection from 1930 possible waif.; Ralph Hoffmann 1930-06-12 [SBBG]
Non-native taxon; waif? No vouchers located.
Non-native taxon; single collection from 1994.; S. Chaney 1994-00-00 [SBBG]
No vouchers found.
Non-native taxon; single collection from 1998.; S. A. Junak SR-887 [SBBG]
CA native taxon; represented by a single collection from 1932.; Ralph Hoffmann 1932-05-06 [SBBG]
This taxon requires herbarium study to confirm vouchers
Channel Islands endemic taxon; a species of environmental concern; Ralph Hoffmann 148 [SBBG]
Non-native taxon; no vouchers located
Channel Islands endemic; a species of environmental concern, last collected in 1930; Ralph Hoffmann 1930-12-05 [SBBG]
Non-native taxon; single collection from 1979.; M. Daily SR 169 [SBBG]
Non-native taxon; no vouchers located
Non-native taxon; single collection from 1930.; Ralph Hoffmann 1930-04-08 [SBBG]
No vouchers located; needs herbarium study
CA native taxon; collected one time in 1977.; Robert F. Thorne 48709 [RSA]
CA native taxon; collected one time in 2001.; Dirk Rodriguez s.n. [SBBG]
Channel Islands endemic taxon; a species of environmental concern
Channel Islands endemic taxon; a variety of environmental concern last collected in 1932; Ralph Hoffmann s.n. [RSA]
Channel Islands endemic taxon; a species of environmental concern; S. Chaney 1999-04-26 [SBBG], Carl Epling s.n. [LA]
No voucher located; needs herbarium study.
Non-native taxon; single collection from 1978; S. A. Junak SR-211 [SBBG]
Vouchers need herbarium study.
Channel Islands endemic taxon; a species of environmental concern; S. A. Junak SR-398 [SBBG], Reid Moran 3364 [SBBG], S. W. McCabe 792 [SBBG]
Single collection from 1930; needs herbarium study; Phillip A. Munz 11728 [RSA]
Non-native taxon; needs herbarium study to annotate vouchers.
CA native taxon; collected one time in 1922, requires herbarium study; Mary F. Spencer s.n. [RSA]
Non-native taxon; single collection from 1965; R. N. Philbrick... B65-1152 [SBBG]
CA native taxon; single collection from 1927, needs herbarium study; Ralph Hoffmann 1927-03-26 [SBBG]
Single collection from 1929; needs herbarium study; Ralph Hoffmann 1929-04-17 [SBBG]
Single collection from 1991; needs herbarium study; S. A. Junak SR-442 [SBBG]
Channel Islands endemic taxon; a species of environmental concern
No vouchers located; needs herbarium study
CA endemic taxon; single collection from 1932, needs herbarium study; Ralph Hoffmann 1932-04-18 [SBBG]
Non-native taxon; single collection from 1994 needs further study; K. Rindlaub SR94-107 [SBBG]
No vouchers located; needs herbarium study.
Non-native taxon; subspecies need herbarium study
Single collection from 1949; needs herbarium study; C. F. Smith 2529 [RSA]
Herbarium study needed; single collection from 1977; Robert F. Thorne 48860 [CATA]
Non-native taxon; single collection from 1997; S. A. Junak SR-730 [SBBG]
No vouchers located; needs herbarium study.
Non-native taxon; first collected in 1978; S. A. Junak SR-201 [SBBG], M. Daily SR66 [SBBG]
Non-native taxon; single collection from 1929, requires herbarium study; Ralph Hoffmann 1929-04-18 [SBBG]
No vouchers located; needs herbarium study.
Non-native taxon; collected one time in 1988; Don Pendleton s.n. [UCR]
No voucher located; waif?
Non-native taxon; single collection from 2013, needs herbarium study; K. Niessen 2013-05-19 [SBBG]
Non-native taxon; single collection from 1930; Ralph Hoffmann 1930-04-08 [SBBG]
Non-native taxon; no vouchers located.
Non-native taxon; single collection from 1993; S. A. Junak SR-610 [SBBG]
More study needed, no vouchers located
Non-native taxon; growing along ranch fenceline; Steven A. Junak SR-695 [SBBG], M. Daily SR 238 [SBBG]
Single collection from 1995; needs further study; Dan Richards SC453 [SBBG]
CA native taxon; a species of environmental concern last collected in 1929; Ralph Hoffmann 1929-04-15 [SBBG], Ralph Hoffmann 1929-04-16 [SBBG]
No vouchers located; needs herbarium study
Non-native taxon; first collected in 1929
Single collection from 1977; needs herbarium work; Robert F. Thorne 48784 [RSA]
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Voucher Mapping