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Specimen data from the Consortium of California Herbaria

Vascular Flora of the Inyo Mountains

Taxa explicitly excluded: Vascular Flora of the Inyo Mountains - Excluded
Authors: Maria Jesus
Citation: Jesus, M.J. 2023. Checklist of the Vascular Flora of the Inyo Mountains, Inyo County, CA. Version 1.0.
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Families: 71.
Genera: 269.
Species: 605.
Total Taxa: 671.

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"Open canyons in southern part of range, below the Pinyon-Juniper Woodland and blending into the lower portion of that community; Joshua Flat, 6000-6500’, on Loretta Mine Rd" (DeDecker 1973)., Up to 7800' in southern part of range and becoming dominant in areas of pinyon die-off.; Jim André 27788 [UCR], Maria Jesus 409 [RSA], Duncan S. Bell 11995 [RSA], Maria Jesus 783 [RSA]
Unlikely to occur in this location, but specimen annotated by AC Sanders.; Frank C. Vasek 650710--15 [UCR]
Southernmost part of range near CA-190/Owens Lake.; Maria Jesus 990 [RSA], H. C. Stutz 7323 [RSA]
"Seepage areas and about springs up to 5500 ft" (DeDecker 1973).; Mary DeDecker 2485 [RSA]
"Common in all plant communities" (DeDecker 1973)., Perhaps not widespread as only represented by a single collection near Blue Bell Mine.; John C. Roos 6004 [UCR], J. C. Roos 6004 [RSA]
"Pinyon-Juniper Woodland and up to 9300 ft" (DeDecker 1973)., Single specimen from Hillside Crest area.; Mary DeDecker 1432 [RSA]
From a single collection at Whippoorwill Flat., C. pratericola likely contains multiple taxa and needs further research.; Mary DeDecker 3863-a [RSA]
Alkaline areas and low-elevation areas at southern extent of range.; Maria Jesus 742 [UCR], Mary DeDecker 2482 [RSA], Maria Jesus 742 [RSA]
Granite crevices. From a single collection SE of Deep Springs.
"South of Santa Rita Flat, 6400 ft, at base of granite cliff" (DeDecker 1973).; Mary DeDecker 3279 [RSA], Mary DeDecker 3279 [RSA]
"Along streams, Skinner canyon, 5000 ft; near Whiteside Springs, 5200 ft" (DeDecker 1973).; Mary DeDecker 158 [RSA]
"Cerro Gordo Rd, 5000 ft" (DeDecker 1973) and unnamed canyon west of Malpais Mesa.; Maria Jesus 732 [RSA], Maria Jesus 732 [RSA], Mary DeDecker 2175 [RSA]
"Skinner Canyon, 5000 ft; occasional at springs" (DeDecker 1973).; Mary DeDecker 163 [RSA]
East of Blue Bell Mine on trail to Side Hill Spring., Determination updated from A. glauca by Baird 1998.; J. C. Roos 6003 [RSA]
"Weedy annual, often along roadsides, up to 7000 ft" (DeDecker 1973). Disturbed margins of paved road at Joshua Flats.; Dean Wm. Taylor... 18999 [DWT]
Washes from northern extent of range., Uncommon.; Vince Yoder 5926 [UCR], Sarah J. De Groot 11007 [SD]
From a single collection ca. 3 mi north of Mazourka Peak (P. Flat).; Mary DeDecker 5081 [RSA]
Canyons, washes and roadsides., Need to examine specimens, but based on observations these are most likely subsp. albula.; John C. Roos s.n. [UCR], J. C. Roos 1981 [RSA], Dean Wm. Taylor 7307 [DWT]
Plants observed further up San Lucas Canyon, but not vouchered due to drought conditions in 2020.; Mark Kerr s.n. [RSA]
"Around springs and seeps, moist locations, up to 9800 ft" (DeDecker 1973).; Mary DeDecker 3826 [RSA]
"Common at springs" (DeDecker 1973).; Dean W. Taylor 6382 [UCJEPS]
"Joshua Flat, 6000-6200’; Loretta wash, below 5500’; Payson Canyon, about 5800’, Whipoorwill Flat about 6800’." (DeDecker 1973)., Locations given for species, not varieties, in 1973 checklist.; Maria Jesus 484 [UCR], Maria Jesus 468 [RSA], Maria Jesus 484 [RSA], Maria Jesus 571 [RSA]
"Skinner Canyon at falls, about 5000 ft; Barrel Springs, 6400 ft" (DeDecker 1973). Addie Spring..; Glenn B. Chadwick s.n. [UCR], Hyrum B. Johnson s.n. [UCR]
Reclaimed mining road at south end of Conglomerate Mesa; observed at Bonham Talc Mine., Introduced.; Maria Jesus 119 [RSA]
Lower elevations of Malpais Mesa, San Lucas Canyon, and eastern edge of boundary near Saline Valley.; Maria Jesus 407 [RSA], Mary DeDecker 4425 [RSA]
Transition area between edge of range and Talc City Hills.; Munz, Philip A. 11764 [CAS], P. A. Munz 11764 [RSA]
West side of Inyo Mtns, Saline Valley Trail (from Alexander & Kellogg label).; Annie M. Alexander 2879 [DAV], Annie M. Alexander... 2879 [UCJEPS]
"Whippoorwill Flat and other places especially along roads over 4000’" (Bristlecone 2018)., Likely widespread.; Maria Jesus 454 [UCR], Maria Jesus 454 [RSA], J. M. André 29177 [RSA], Maria Jesus 695 [RSA], more...
"Waucoba Mt., 11,000 ft" (DeDecker 1973).; Roos, J. C.; Roos, A. R. 6556 [CAS]
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