non-native broomrape of regulatory concern for California
G. Walden, R. Espinoza Alcaraz, R. Baalbaki, C. Blomquist, A. Holmes, M. Letuligasenoa, C. Mcintosh, D. Meyer, M. Swanson, P. Woods
Citation: please cite PPA 7721 project 3.1272
Abstract: PPA 7721 project 3.1272. Increase identification capacity and strengthen detection technology for broomrape of regulatory concern for California [Cooperative Agreement Number AP21PPQS&T00C052, CDFA Agreement Number 21-0147-000-FR]
Families: 1.
Genera: 2.
Species: 4.
Total Taxa: 4.
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Susan Fawcett 1545 [SBBG],
Barbara Ertter 17310 [SBBG],
Rudolf Schmid 2002-3 [RSA],
Barbara J. Ertter 17310 [RSA],
more...Dean Wm. Taylor 18574 [DAV], Barbara Ertter 17310 [SD], Barbara Ertter 17310 [UCJEPS], Adam C. Schneider 124 [UCJEPS], Rudolf Schmid 2002-3 [UCJEPS], Barbara Ertter 17626 [UCJEPS], Barbara Ertter 17310 [UCJEPS], Dean W. Taylor 18574 [UCJEPS], Barbara Ertter 17310 [CDA], Dean Wm. Taylor 18574 [DWT], ...less
[Orobanche aegyptiaca Pers., Phelypaea melongenae Noë ex Beck]
Gene Miyao s.n. [UCR],
Gene Miyao s.n. [DAV],
Brad Hanson s.n. [DAV],
Gene Miyao 2014-07-15 [DAV],
more...D.G. Kelch PDR MVAP06098550 [CDA], A. Thomas, B. Cook PDR 480P50001200 [CDA], A. Thomas, M. Carl PDR 480P50000437 [CDA], L. Pinfold, D. Roser PDR 480P06094555 [CDA], L. Tripp PDR 480P06094530 [CDA], Linda Pinfold PDR MVAP06098551 [CDA], A. Thomas, B. Cook PDR 480P50001200 [CDA], L. Tripp PDR 480P06094530 [CDA], B. Cook... PDR 480P50000323 [CDA], Gene Miyao s.n. [CDA], Linda Pinfold PDR MVAP06098551-A [CDA], A. Thomas, B. Cook PDR 480P50001200 [CDA], ...less
[Kopsia ramosa (L.) Dumort., Orobanche ramosa L., Phelipaea ramosa (L.) C.A. Mey.]
Harvey, W. A. s.n. [CAS],
Robbins, G. Thomas... 3663 [CAS],
Nichols, Dr. Carl... s.n. [CAS],
Cody, L. R. s.n. [CAS],
more...Rosenberg, D. Y. s.n. [CAS], Durbin, R. s.n. [CAS], Robbins, G. Thomas... 3663 [CAS], Brown, Jr., W. M. s.n. [CAS], Scott, C. E. s.n. [CAS], Nichols, C. W. s.n. [CAS], Harvey, W. A. s.n. [CAS], Rosenberg, D. Y. s.n. [CAS], Gene Miyao s.n. [UCR], Wm. M. Brown, Jr s.n. [OBI], C. W. Nichols s.n. [RSA], R. Durbin s.n. [RSA], W. M. Brown, Jr. s.n. [RSA], C. E. Scott s.n. [RSA], G. Thomas Robbins 3663 [RSA], W. M. Brown Jr. 1959-07-24 [IRVC], W. A. Harvey 261 [IRVC], Gene Miyao s.n. [DAV], P. A. Minges s.n. [DAV], R. Durbin s.n. [DAV], W. M. Brown Jr. 1959-07-24 [DAV], R. Breckenridge s.n. [DAV], Collector Unknown s.n. [DAV], W. B. Kirk s.n. [DAV], W. M. Brown Jr. 1959-07-24 [DAV], G. Thomas Robbins... 3663 [UCJEPS], D. B. Buettner 1971-08-02 [UCJEPS], Dr. Carl Nichols... 1959-08-21 [UCJEPS], C. E. Scott 1929-10-01 [UCJEPS], Dr. Carl Nichols... 1959-08-21 [UCJEPS], E. R. Anderson, J. Golden 1971-08-08 [UCJEPS], D. Schamberger 1972-07-20 [UCJEPS], W. B. Kirk 1929-08-17 [CDA], D. Brown, J. King PDR 570P06924773 [CDA], McCoon PDR# 390P06219811-C [CDA], John Haney s.n. [CDA], A.C. Browne s.n. [CDA], E.R. Anderson... PDR 09679 [CDA], R. Breckenridge/K.... s.n. [CDA], J. King, D. Brown PDR 570P50000275 [CDA], McCoon PDR# 390P06219811-A [CDA], Don McCoon PDR# 390P06219816 [CDA], D. Brown, J. King PDR 570P50000270 [CDA], Robert Pelletier PDR# 390P06219589 [CDA], W. M. Brown, Jr. 1959-07-24 [CDA], T. Muller PDR 570P50000274 [CDA], J. Golden 1974-06-26 [CDA], Gordon McClelland PDR# 1586826 [CDA], D. Brown PDR 570P06216825 [CDA], D. Brown PDR 570P06924097 [CDA], W.M. Shrader s.n. [CDA], A. Moretto 1968-06-27 [CDA], R. Breckenridge... s.n. [CDA], D. Brown PDR 570P06925679 [CDA], Carbonaro PDR# 1586825 [CDA], Robert Pelletier PDR# 390P06219589 [CDA], W.M. Shrader 1967-08-03 [CDA], E.R. Anderson... 1971-08-24 [CDA], D. Brown, J. King PDR 570P06924772 [CDA], McCoon PDR# 390P06219811-B [CDA], Robert Pelletier PDR# 390P06219589 [CDA], J. King, C. Stemen PDR 570P06924654 [CDA], C.W. Nichols 1959-07-28 [CDA], T. Muller PDR 570P50000273 [CDA], D. B. Buettner 1971-08-02 [CDA], Gordon McClelland PDR# 1586826 [CDA], D. Brown, C. Stemen PDR 570P06925721 [CDA], D. Brown, J. King PDR 570P06924771 [CDA], Gene Miyao s.n. [CDA], CDFA Staff s.n. [CDA], D. Schamberger 1972-07-20 [CDA], Williamson, Medina PDR# 390P06189424 [CDA], D. Brown PDR 570P06611879 [CDA], Robert Pelletier PDR# 390P06219589 [CDA], C. O. Howe 1968-07-16 [CDA], E.R. Anderson... PDR 09681 [CDA], ...less