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Specimen data from the Consortium of California Herbaria

non-native broomrape of regulatory concern for California

Authors: G. Walden, R. Espinoza Alcaraz, R. Baalbaki, C. Blomquist, A. Holmes, M. Letuligasenoa, C. Mcintosh, D. Meyer, M. Swanson, P. Woods
Citation: please cite PPA 7721 project 3.1272

PPA 7721 project 3.1272. Increase identification capacity and strengthen detection technology for broomrape of regulatory concern for California [Cooperative Agreement Number AP21PPQS&T00C052, CDFA Agreement Number 21-0147-000-FR]

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Families: 1.
Genera: 2.
Species: 4.
Total Taxa: 4.

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[Kopsia ramosa (L.) Dumort., Orobanche ramosa L., Phelipaea ramosa (L.) C.A. Mey.]
Harvey, W. A. s.n. [CAS], Robbins, G. Thomas... 3663 [CAS], Nichols, Dr. Carl... s.n. [CAS], Cody, L. R. s.n. [CAS], more...
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